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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
да нихуя же, вполне люди выживают при травматических ампутациях без лечения
mortality процентов 80, даже меньше

вот например случай

Patient No. 4. This 39-year-old Korean was injured approximately 2 hours before admission, by fragments from a land mine. On admission, he was quite excited, tossing his hands and head, chattering and shivering. Pain was intense (he had received no treatment except one injection, presumably morphine). His blood pressure was 164/100, pulse 76, pupils dilated, skin of normal color and temperature. He was not sweating. His wounds consisted of a traumatic amputation of the left foot and minor wounds of the hand.

His pressure rose spontaneously to 210/138, pulse 72. With the onset of pentothal anesthesia his pressure fell to 100/70 (Fig. 3). His pulse rate remained at 72.

He tolerated the operation well, received 500 cc. of blood and remained hypotensive throughout the operation. Postoperatively, his pressure rose to 140/80, pulse rate 68. His hematocrit postoperatively was 47 per cent.

This excited patient experienced a dramatic drop in blood pressure after induction with pentothal.

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