Настроение: | sick |
Музыка: | Michel Moulinie - CHRYSALIDE |
Cursed are the organizers of charities; they are propagators of plagues.
Все видели, конечно.
Доктор Лиза: на Донбассе люди умирают от голода.
Доктор Елизавета Глинка, которая спасает детей Донбасса,
бьет тревогу. По ее словам, в ДНР ситуация приближается к
катастрофической. Только за ноябрь 2014 года 24 человека
умерли там от голода.
Россия просто обязана предъявить Порошенко ультиматум -
открыть банки, выплатить пенсии и пособия, потребовать от
Украины доставить гуманитарную помощь на Донбасс. Если она
этого не сделает, то все будет выглядеть как величайшая
глупость или просто предательство народов Донбасса. Как
говорят, ничего личного, просто бизнес.
По-моему, чем быстрее запутинские пенсы передохнут,
тем быстрее Донбасс освободится от российских захватчиков.
Потому что пенсы это живой щит для этих всех хамасовцев,
типа "мирного населения" Палестины. Поэтому жертвы среди
"гражданских" это замечательно.
Хорошие люди тоже, наверное, пострадают, но они в любом
случае пострадают, поскольку живому щиту будет хуево
при любом раскладе. Эмигрируйте.
А что до "доктора лизы", ну тут всем все понятно,
Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the Earth.
Cursed are the weak, for they shall inherit the yoke.
Blessed are the powerful, for they shall be reverenced among men.
Cursed are the feeble, for they shall be blotted out.
Blessed are the bold, for they shall be masters of the world.
Cursed are the humble, for they shall be trodden under hoofs.
Blessed are the victorious, for victory is the basis of right.
Cursed are the vanquished, for they shall be vassals forever.
Blessed are the battle-blooded. Beauty shall smile upon them.
Cursed are the poor in spirit, for they shall be spat upon.
Blessed are the audacious, for they have imbibed true wisdom.
Cursed are the obedient, for they shall breed creeplings.
Blessed are the iron-handed; the unfit shall flee before them.
Cursed are the haters of battle; subjugation is their portion.
Blessed are the death-defiant; their days shall be long in the land.
Cursed are the feeble-brained, for they shall perish amidst plenty.
Blessed are the destroyers of false hope; they are true messiahs.
Cursed are the God-adorers; they shall be shorn sheep!
Blessed are the valiant, for they shall obtain great treasure.
Cursed are the believers in good and evil, for they are frightened
by shadows.
Blessed are those who believe in nothing; never shall it terrorized
their minds.
Cursed are the "lambs of god" they shall be bleed "whiter than snow".
Blessed is the man who has powerful enemies they shall make him a hero.
Cursed is he who "doeth good" unto others; he shall be despised.
Blessed is the man whose foot is swift to serve a friend; he is a
friend indeed.
Cursed are the organizers of charities; they are propagators of plagues.
Blessed are the wise and brave, for in the struggle they shall win.
Cursed are the unfit, for they shall be righteously exterminated.
Blessed are the sires of noble maidens; they are the salt of the Earth.
Cursed the mothers of strumous tenderlings, for they shall be shamed.
Blessed are the mighty-minded, for they shall ride the whirlwinds.
Cursed are they who teach lies for truth and truth for lies, for they
are -- abomination.
Blessed are the unmerciful; their posterity shall own the world.
Cursed are the famous wiselings; their seed shall perish off the Earth
Thrice cursed are the vile, for they shall serve and suffer.