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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
>Только боюсь, что если всё опять построить на лжи и обмане
>то и закончится всё точно так же


Never forgive, never forget
Never, never
Never forgive, never forget
Never, not ever

I once imagined the lie to be the ultimate enemy; an enemy of life and of
everything worthwhile in life; a pestilence that would sooner or later
corrupt all that is grand and noble in life; debasing truth and beauty in
equal measures; casting its ugly shadow over everything. Now I realize that
truth and beauty and nobility are eternal; they cannot be debased by the
lie. They cannot be destroyed by the lie. They live forever. Only mankind
can be debased by the lie. Only mankind can be left by the light far far
afield; from truth, from beauty, from purity. And when man becomes
sufficiently debased, every eternal value shall pronounce judgment upon them
and shall act as their judge, and their jury, and their executioner. Now
I've learned to love the lie. I love the poison it spreads. I love the
weakness it engenders. I love the seeds of destruction it sows, and I love
the judgment it brings. The lie is not an enemy of truth; it is an ally of
truth. It prepares the way, it balances the books, and it makes clean the

Bring my enemies before me
And slay them

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