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Пишет ded_mitya ([info]ded_mitya)
Хороший заголовок:

Half of Bernie Sanders supporters don’t think Hillary Clinton is honest

And those same Americans continue to show their ignorance with all this
nonsense about wanting their politicians to be honest. What are these cretins
thinking? Do they realize what they’re wishing for? If honesty were suddenly
introduced into American life, everything would collapse. It would destroy
this country, because our system is based on an intricate and delicately
balanced system of lies.

And I think that somehow, deep down, Americans understand this. That’s why
they elected—and reelected—Bill Clinton. Because given a choice, Americans
prefer their bullshit right out front, where they can get a good, strong whiff
of it. Clinton may have been full of shit, but at least he let you know it.
And people like that.

In ’96, Dole tried to hide his bullshit, and he lost. He kept saying, “I’m
a plain and honest man.” People don’t believe that. What did Clinton say?
He said, “Hi folks! I’m completely full of shit, and how do you like that?”
And the people said, “You know what? At least he’s honest. At least he’s
honest about being completely full of shit.”

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