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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
> https://medium.com/@tanayj/self-driving-cars-and-the-trolley-problem-5363b86cb82d

Какой потрясающий мудак! С "эссе" уровня 8-го класса школы.
Работает, что характерно, в ФСБуке.

Вот подобное говно я б расстреливал не то что без каких-либо
моральных терзаний - с удовольствием. Дебилы не должны жить вообще.

Do you ever think about
What a lovely place the world would be
Without all the people
That make life so unpleasant?
All the small, petty people
All the ugly, annoying people
It's hard not to think about it
I like to think about
What could be
Done to these people
Something cruel
Something mean
Something just
But the meaner the better
Goodness knows they deserve it
Have you ever dreamed of
Killing all the stupid people?
Not just the unintelligent people
But the sort that don't know anything about anything
But seem to have opinions about everything

Something should be done to these people
Something to make them suffer
The way they've made us suffer
I say, bring back the Circus Maximus
For starters
Unless these weeds are dealt with
They'll poison everything
They are poisoning everything
We need a gardener
A brutal gardener
A thorough, thoughtful gardener
An iron gardener.

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