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Пишет beotia ([info]beotia)
Neuro-brain. This signifies a (semi-mathematical) representation (model) of
the physiology of the brain, including "streaming crowd of electrified shifting
points in the spongework of the brain" along with a (the ???) slower biochemistry
of middle-term and long-term memory.
An ergobrain can be thought of as a (kind of) dynamical reduction (quotient)
of a neuro-brain, while an ergosystem is something similar to an ergobrain but
which is not, a priori, related to a neuro-brain.
(p. 4)

(Broadly understood) connectionism is an engineer's construction of
models of the neurobrain.
(http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/connectionism and [21], [53], [38]).
This is similar to making artificial entities with cell-like architectures and then
teaching them cell-like chemical behavior by adjusting their DNA and mRNA.
(p. 8)

У меня вопрос-ты эргобрейн хотя бы читал, или как обычно, пришел сказать что-нибудь обскурантистское чисто рефлекторно?

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