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Некто написал,
There are many discussions about the health effect of smoking cannabis. I won't going into the discussion in this post, but I will bring a different aspect to this, which has been proven by research to effect the duration of our live.

Before I get into it I found this song today "Jesse Royal". It has an up beat and chill reaggae-ish feeling to it. Overall a good song to get us through the monday.

In this 80 year long Harvard research researchers followed 720 people their whole lives to discover what makes them live a healthier life. And the simple answer to that is having good relationships.

It's very surprising because people would think it was about working out or eating healthy. While that is important it is not as important as maintaining good relationships. Maybe it's because when we are happier with our relationships we begin doing more healthy stuff. For more details about the study visit click on the link.

So next time you put up one, get as many of your good friends, lovers, family to join you as it could be more beneficial for everyone's health ;)

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