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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)

Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is headquartered in the UK where until recently, it’s chairman of the board of trustees was Ibrahim El-Zayat, a leader in both the European and the German Muslim Brotherhood. Sometime in 2016, El-Zayat was replaced as Chairman by South African national Tahir Salie, a former IRW Treasurer while El-Zayat remains as a trustee of the UK branch of Islamic Relief.

In addition to its ties to Erdogan, the IBF is also close to MUSIAD, an Islamist Turkish businessman’s association described in a report authored by the GMBDW editor as also supported by Erdogan, pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel, and with a strong relationship with the Middle East through its Foreign Relations division. The IBF is known to have a close relationship with the Palestinian Business Forum (PBF) that holds its meetings in conjunction with the IBF and is reported by confidential sources to serve as a Hamas support network. The website of the Muslimische Jugend in Deutschland (MJD), the youth arm of the German Muslim Brotherhood, reports additionally that Salie had been expected to meet with the group for four days in 2013.Islamic Relief Worldwide is also listed as a company in the UK where records indicate that Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawi, the former head of the Federation of islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) and former of the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) has been a director at one time. Both FIOE and the MAB are part of the U.K. and European Muslim Brotherhood. Another former member of the board of Islamic Relief Worldwide is Essam El-Haddad, a longtime Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood member a former adviser to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. El-Haddad is also known to have been a member of the IBF Board of Governors. A third former member of the Islamic Relief company was Issam El-Bashir, a Sudanese national with multiple ties to the Global Muslim Brotherhood.

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