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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
The dating site OkCupid had launched the previous year, and it’s been asking its users questions about their relationship preferences ever since. This week, the company released a survey comparing the responses they received in 2005 to those collected in 2015. Though not as rigorous as a truly random survey, the data hint at changing views of sex, love, and gender norms among online daters in the U.S.

Surprisingly, OkCupid found that people have become more sexually conservative in certain ways.

For example, fewer people now say they would have sex on the first date:

Would You Consider Sleeping With Someone on the First Date?

While “no” responses increased among gay and straight people of both genders, the change was biggest among gay men and straight women. The number of gay men responding “yes” declined from 83 percent to 57 percent, while straight women dropped from 48 to 25 percent.

What’s more, fewer people now say they’d date someone just for the sex. In 2005, 49 percent of OkCupid users said they would, while last year just 41 percent did. The number of people who said love was more interesting to them than sex at the moment remained unchanged, at 75 percent.

And peoples’ views of gender roles in the bedroom seemed to get more traditional. More straight men now say they take control in bed, and fewer straight women do.

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