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Некто написал,
Can we be clear for a moment, although we know for sure that this gesture by Magnus is a good one for society, why are we stopping here? Here is some other changes that need to happen to chess:

Mix the black pieces with the white pieces. The fact that we are segregating the colors to begin with is disturbing

Why is it the King is the most important piece? Give the Queen the ability to not only move as she does, but also be the piece that must be checkmated

Speaking of which, why is it always King and Queen? Why not King and King? Or Queen and Queen?

The bishop, although a powerful piece, is not as strong as his bigger brother the rook. Either make them the same, or remove them entirely.

Why are the pieces simply black or white? Why not brown? Why is there not another set of pieces with the King wearing a Turban and the Queen wearing a hijab?

Together, we can fight Naziism, racism, sexism, and most importantly, Trumpism.

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