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Kremlin bots Now Defend Stomakhin?
Suddenly I got attacked by hex_laden, from his blu4sezon sock puppet:

Then also by moyagospoja threatening me with jail and psychiatric ward:

Although it attacked me previously for no reason, using the same a_n_d_r_u_s_h_a style:

That moyagospoja is a thematic spam bot, which mostly advertises various gallery and theater events, interspersing them with a sudden random politics post here and there. In some rare cases moyagospoja also does LJR meta posts. The style is similar to that of a_n_d_r_u_s_h_a, but can also be used for posts by the same hex_laden, whose thematic posts is reposting shit from habr.com, but he appears to be behind most of the spam bots here and uses some obsolete software written for the original LiveJournal. My educated guess is that they can be a part of some single PR agency, connected with Nezavisimaya Gazeta and Eduard Limonov (also a know KGB (and now FSB) agent) with hex_laden setting them fake accounts for a low price.

Given that, I tried to check if moyagospoja are just copies, so I looked them up first in Yandex, and then in DuckDuckGo, revealing one interesting detail. I haven't found copies, but that is not a proof the account is not a bot: most professional bot accounts are human assisted, or sometimes depend on human agents to create conent. Usually interns and students are assigned to rewrite the same post for different blogs, sometimes with help of a synonymizer software, so bot posts avoid triggering duplicate content filtering in search engines.

DuckDuckGo is just a coverup name for Yandex in the West, and DDG actually uses Yandex base. DuckDuckGo was advertised as the ultimate search engine for alt-Rights, whom it served with more targeted propaganda. Now the front-end is so badly written that it sometimes directly links to the Yandex itself. There are several ways to trick it into exposing its Yandex nature. Here is one: first search with Yandex in Russian, and then immediately send the same query to DuckDuckGo.com, which will return the previously cached Yandex results:

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