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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
партийные чистки же

Long-Bailey was one of 36 Labour MPs to nominate Jeremy
Corbyn as a candidate in the 2015 Labour leadership
election.[14] On 18 September 2015, after Corbyn was
elected as leader, she was appointed as a Shadow Minister
for the Treasury as part of his first frontbench team.[15]
She was also appointed to Labour's National Executive
Committee by Corbyn as one of three representatives of the
front bench, replacing Hilary Benn.[16]

She was endorsed by Unite the Union on 24 January after
general secretary Len McCluskey said she had the "brains
and brilliance" to "take on" Boris Johnson.[27]
Long-Bailey was seen by many observers and party
colleagues as the continuity candidate who would continue
to take the party in the same direction as
Corbyn.[28][29][30] While she disputed the
description,[31][32] her campaign stressed ideological
continuity with Corbyn.[33][34]

Long-Bailey came second place in the contest, receiving
27.6% of the vote share with 135,218 votes. Starmer was
elected as the next Labour leader with a 56.2% vote share
(275,780 votes).[35]

In 2020, Long-Bailey joined a campaign to fight women's
and gay rights groups deemed "trans-exclusionist hate
groups", and called for people who supported those groups
to be expelled from the Labour Party.[47] The groups
denied being transphobic.[48] One of the groups, Woman's
Place UK, called the accusation defamatory and stated, "We
call on the Labour Party to demonstrate its opposition to
this misogynistic abuse of women. Defend us or expel us".


Бибиси врет как всегда передергивает, они такие же
лютые антисемиты, просто ангажированные (действующим на
данный момент) руководством лейбора, которое занято
партийными чистками под эгидой антисемитизма


Но тетка, конечно, феерически мерзкая, даже
по стандартам лейбора

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