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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
>не за проституцию, а за покупку сексуальных услуг
ага, а проституток высылают
лучше бы сажали, на самом деле

>Точнее, даже не сажают, а штрафуют.

От полгода до года, есличо

Section 202a

Any person who

(a) engages in or aids and abets another person to engage in sexual activity or commit a sexual act on making or agreeing payment,
(b) engages in sexual activity or a sexual act on such payment being agreed or made by another person, or
(c) in the manner described in (a) or (b) causes someone to carry out with herself or himself acts corresponding to sexual activity,

shall be liable to fines or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.

If the sexual activity or sexual act is carried out in a particularly offensive manner and no penalty may be imposed pursuant to other provisions, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year

The ban extends to Norwegians outside of Norway.

>ссылку на норвежский закон, запрещающий бдсм-порн


Hardcore material was for a long time illegal de jure, but legal in practice, that is, illegal to produce, distribute and sell, but legal to possess. One could e.g. acquire it abroad, on the internet, or via satellite TV. There were also some illegal porn shops, especially in the larger cities. To satisfy legal requirements, editors of erotic magazines, domestic TV channels and cable TV obscured sexual organs in activity using black rectangles etc. After the Supreme Court on 7 December 2005 unanimously acquitted a former magazine editor for publishing unobscured hardcore pornography in 2002, however, it is understood that printed hardcore pornography is no longer illegal, and pornographic magazines and movies were introduced in general stores from 2006. Public TV as well as cable TV seems to stay with the old rules, and is not yet clear if the Supreme Court decision will affect TV. (NB: The depiction of illegal sexual activities, such as those involving children, animals, necrophilia, rape, violence or the use of force, remains illegal.) [8][9][10]

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