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Некто написал,
Испанские СМИ сообщают, что экспресс-тесты на антитела к Covid-19 имеют чувствительность только 30%, хотя она должна быть не менее 80%.

Плевок в рыло российским и украинским демшизоидным истеричкам, утверждающим, что, цитирую, «российские тесты не работают».

В копилку информация, опубликованная агентством Блумберг, левацким СМИ, что даже удивительно.


Italy’s Mild Flu Season May Give Clues to Virus Death Rate
By Giovanni Salzano
and Vernon Silver
March 31, 2020, 1:44 PM EDT Updated on April 1, 2020, 9:59 AM EDT

Italy has posed a conundrum in the coronavirus pandemic: How could a country with just 60 million inhabitants rack up more deaths than any other nation in the world?

One possible clue lies in what would have been good news in any other year: The last flu season, marked by unusually warm weather, killed fewer older Italians than average, according to a report by the Italian Ministry of Health.

Those with chronic diseases who were spared death from November through January would have been at greater risk when the new virus began spreading in February and March, the report argued, although the discrepancy is just one among many factors at play in the pandemic’s uneven impact.

The government has struggled to explain the new coronavirus’s outsize toll in Italy, where the death rate has exceeded China’s. It’s possible that the lower mortality earlier in the winter “led to an increase in the pool of the most vulnerable” who were then exposed to Covid-19, according to the Italian report, which analyzed data from 19 cities through March 21.

n the northern cities that have borne the brunt of Italy’s more than 12,000 deaths, overall mortality among people age 65 and over was 6% below a baseline from previous years. In the cities of central and southern Italy, the deaths were 3% below expectations.

The study didn’t specify how many fewer deaths there may have been, or by how much the pool of vulnerable people had increased. The total number of older Italians spared death directly from the flu this season may have been in the hundreds, based on an annual average of 8,000 nationwide flu deaths cited in the paper.

The World Health Organization has cautioned against comparing Covid-19 to the flu.
“This isn’t just a bad flu season,” Mike Ryan, head of health emergencies at the WHO, said in a March 20 briefing. “These are health systems that are collapsing under the pressure of too many cases. This is not normal.”
The latest flu season started earlier in Europe than in previous years, peaking in the week ending Feb. 2, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. At that point Italy, France, Germany and Spain were all reporting influenza and respiratory illness outbreaks of medium intensity.
A chart included in the Italian report showed that deaths among those aged 65 and above during the coronavirus outbreak through March 17 had already reached the levels of the previous two flu seasons and were below the overall death total from 2016-2017. The virus has claimed some 10,000 more lives in the country since then.
The flu season was less deadly this winter due to mild temperatures, the health ministry report said.

Вывод: смертность в возрастной группе выше 65 достигла уровня предыдущих двух лет, но значительно ниже уровня 2016-2017.

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