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Пишет imp_408 ([info]kaax@lj)
Curious piece in here...

For the record:
Америка это преступник, ответственный
за самые большие преступления в истории;

Interesting... XX century had a lot unpleasant countries/governments: Stalinist Russia, Hitler's Germany, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc. If we go further back in history, we probably won't find such huge numbers of people killed, but the examples we would find there would much more cruel, brutish, ugly. Yet, America is responsible for the greatest crimes in the history of mankind? Which ones do you have in mind, if I might ask? And by what criteria do you rank crimes from least to greatest?

но и
бомбежки Сербии достаточно, по-моему, чтобы
разбомбить ВСЕ БЕЗ ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЯ американские города
так же, как американцы разбомбили Белград, Новый Сад
и всю вообще Сербию. Это будет
правильно, хорошо и справедливо.

Well, let's see. So American planes bombed Serbia. Was there something major, unusual, especially revolting about it? No, doesn't seem so. Maybe many, many people were killed? Tens and hundreds of thousands, like in most wars? Let's see: "Amnesty records that Nato aircraft flew 10,484 strike missions over Serbia and that Serbian statistics of civilian deaths in Nato raids range from 400-600 up to 1,500." So even by Serbian statistics, which are likely to be heavily biased, maybe around a thousand people were killed. Compared to most wars, that's an extremely low number.

OK, "разбомбили Белград" -- was the city leveled to the ground, maybe like Dresden during WW2? Nope, sure doesn't look like it.

So what's the problem? Is that because America is the Great Satan and so anything that it does is horrible/terrible by definition? And if you want to go by the strict "eye for the eye" method, which country is innocent? Which country should NOT be bombed to the ground? Who, ever, did no evil and is innocent in your eyes?

Это будет красиво. Когда в сентябре
прошлого года разнесли WTC, у меня
была одна ровно мысль - вот как праздник
устроили, каждый день бы такой.

Well, beauty, as is known, is in the eye of the beholder. But it is interesting what you consider worthy of celebrating. Is it any mass death that makes you joyful? Or that's not enough, you need a violent, malicious killing to make you happy? The fact that some people were burned alive in those buildings is an added bonus, of course...

Or, maybe, anyting that makes Americans suffer is good. You know, people who chose wrong parents -- who happened to be born in the wrong country at the wrong time. They should be tortured, killed, wiped off the face of the earth, correct? They are not really humans, are they? probably don't even have a soul, as well... Cleansing, that's what we need -- to cleanse the earth from these animals, undermenschs, dirty Jews -- oops, sorry, wrong historical context, I meant to say dirty Americans...

May your dreams be full of what you find joyous -- dead and dying people.

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