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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
>сколько из них имеют хотя бы Ph.D. program.

в большинстве она есть, но в очень странных предметах
типа "community health" или "business management"

вот тут подробно

There are around 100 research universities in Canada
(other institutions such as liberal arts colleges and
community colleges also exist, but these don't tend to
offer PhDs). These universities often run their doctoral
programmes within dedicated graduate schools that house
all the facilities and expertise necessary to support
students through advanced postgraduate (or 'graduate')

Alberta is a landlocked province in western Canada,
famous for its vast forests, prairies and mountain
ranges. There are 8 universities offering PhD
opportunities in Alberta and the official language is

British Columbia is Canada's westernmost province. Its
rugged landscape is characterised by temperate
rainforests and striking coastal fjords. There are 11
universities offering PhD opportunities in British
Columbia and the official language is English.

Manitoba is a central province, home to vast prairies
and some of Canada's Great Lakes. There are 6
universities offering PhD opportunities in Manitoba
and the official language is English.

New Brunswick is a small province on the eastern coast
of Canada, home to forests, mountains and some of the
oldest European settlements in North America. There
are four universities offering PhD opportunities in
New Brunswick and the official languages are English
and French.

Nova Scotia is a maritime province in Atlantic Canada,
made up of a peninsula and neighbouring islands. There
are 9 universities offering PhD opportunities in Nova
Scotia and the official language is English.

Newfoundland and Labrador is Canada's easternmost
province, made up of the island of Newfoundland and
the mainland region of Labrador, geographically
defined by its subarctic tundra and striking
mountains. There is 1 university offering PhD
opportunities in Newfoundland and Labrador and the
official language is English.

Ontario is Canada's most populous province, located in
the east of the country. It is home to the Canadian
capital, Ottawa, as well as the famous Lake Ontario
and Niagara Falls. There are 31 universities offering
PhD opportunities in Ontario and the official language
is English.

Prince Edward Island is a maritime province on the
east coast of Canada - the smallest in the country. It
is made up of the titular island, plus a network of
smaller islands. There is 1 university offering PhD
opportunities in Prince Edward Island and the official
language is English.

Québec is Canada's largest province, situated at the
east of the country. It is home to a rich independent
Québécois culture and is famous for its rivers, lakes
and bays. There are 19 universities offering PhD
opportunites in Québec and the official language is

Saskatchewan is a large landlocked province in central
Canada, defined by its praries and lakes. There are 6
universities offering PhD opportunities in
Saskatchewan and the official language is English.

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