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Некто написал,
Я говорю про нынешнее время, а не про позапрошлый век. Сейчас в США это повестка "демократов".

Вот цитата из программы Клинтон:
Promoting Competition by Stopping Corporate Concentration: Large corporations have concentrated their control over markets to a greater degree than Americans have seen in decades—further evidence that the deck is stacked for those at the top. Democrats will take steps to stop corporate concentration in any industry where it is unfairly limiting competition. We will make competition policy and antitrust stronger and more responsive to our economy today, enhance the antitrust enforcement arms of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and encourage other agencies to police anti-competitive practices in their areas of jurisdiction.

А вот свежее Байдена:
The Democrats, in their 2020 platform, say an administration led by Joe Biden would instruct regulators to also "consider potential effects of future mergers on the labor market, on low-income and marginalized communities, and on racial equity.” They say a new administration would review questionable deals the Trump administration has approved, and call on the federal government to consider breaking up companies that use their market power in anticompetitive ways.

"Республиканцы" сейчас не против монополизма:
Big Tech Hearing Shows GOP Doesn’t Care About Monopoly
The Big Tech Hearing Showed That Anti-Monopoly Is a Partisan Issue
Wednesday’s landmark hearing on Capitol Hill — which saw the CEOs of Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple answer for their companies’ alleged affronts to antitrust law — showed that concerns about Big Tech’s monopoly power are well-founded. But it also demonstrated that rumors of Republican interest in antitrust have been greatly exaggerated.

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