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Некто написал,
c'est homo
Letter to the Editor

I am writing in support of Abigail Thompson’s opinion piece (AMS Notices, 66(2019), 1778–1779). We should all be grateful to her for such a thoughtful argument against mandatory “Diversity Statements” for job applicants. As she so eloquently stated, “The idea of using a political test as a screen for job applicants should send a shiver down our collective spine.” It is especially pleasing to find her article grounded in the history of a similar incident and so generous to those who feel differently.

In addition, I thank Erica Flapan for publishing this article. Avoiding troubling issues is always the easiest path. It is good to see the Notices willing to explore controversial topics that are of great importance to the mathematical community and to academia in general.

Well done!

—George E. AndrewsPast President, American Mathematical Society

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