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Associate provost for diversity appointed. On July 1, 2003,
In the fall, the 2006 Diversity Action Plan, developed under President Ruth Simmons, sets institution-wide diversity goals


'The desire to "train" individuals on issues of race and diversity has spawned a new industry of moral re-education. Colleges and universities have been hiring diversity "trainers" or "facilitators" for 15 years, and the most famous of them can command $35,000 for "cultural audits," $5,000 for sensitivity workshop training, and a sliding scale of honoraria, some for not less than $3,000 per hour, for lectures. This growing industry has its mountebanks, its careerists, its well-meaning zealots, and its sadists.'

"Two diversity training films widely used at major universities reveal the techniques and the characters of two other leading thought reformers. Skin Deep, the 1996 film funded by the Ford Foundation" "Neither group is typical of a college population. The whites, we gradually learn, have been members of organizations working for racial understanding. The students of color all use terms like "allies," suggesting that they've been through sessions like this before." "One thing that you must definitely understand is that we're discussing how this country was founded, and because you are a white male, people are going to hate you." "In short, what moves the film (and American thought reform) is a denial of individual identity and responsibility, an insistence on group victimization and rights, and the belief that America is an almost uniquely iniquitous place in the world, without opportunity, legal equality, or justice." "Vasquez's "Study Guide" for Skin Deep explains that the final goal of using the film in "colleges, high schools, corporations, and the workplace" is to produce "action strategies and… networks for working against racism,"

"Elliott also revealed to her Dutch interviewer that she abandoned teaching school in 1984 to devote herself full time to diversity education, for which she receives $6,000 per day from "companies and governmental institutions."

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Elliott#Origin_of_workplace_diversity_training "Elliott is considered to be the forerunner of diversity training, with the "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" exercise as the basis of much of what is now called diversity training.[16] She has done such training for corporations such as General Electric, Exxon, AT&T, and IBM, as well as lectured to the FBI, IRS, US Navy, US Department of Education, and US Postal Service."

"Companies found the idea of offering such training attractive, not only because in the 1970s and 1980s there were increasing numbers of people of color in their organizations, but also because of U.S. court rulings and federal policies to promote multiculturalism brought about by pressure from civil rights groups during the same two decades."

'Elliott is unbearably tendentious and ignorant. To teach what an IQ test truly is, she gives the brown eyes half of the answers to an impossible test before the blue eyes enter the room, explaining that, for people of color, the IQ exam is "a test about which you know absolutely nothing." IQ tests only measure "white culture."'

"In 1996, she told her audience at Kansas State University that all whites are racists, whatever they believe about themselves: "If you want to see another racist, turn to the person on your right. Now look at the person on your left." She also believes that blacks were in America 600 years before whites. She told the students at Kansas State that if they were angry at her, they should write letters, but that they must do so without paper, alphabet, or numbers, all of which were invented by people of color. Whites, in Elliott's view, did have a certain creativity. Betraying a breathtaking ignorance of world history, she told the Australian Internet magazine Webfronds in 1998 that "white people invented racism." Other than that, however, whites were quite parasitic."

"The more social work we bring to our colleges and universities, the more segregated they become, and in the classifieds of The Chronicle of Higher Education during the last few years, colleges and universities by the hundreds have advertised for individuals to oversee "diversity education," "diversity training," and "sensitivity training.""

"Thought reform is making its way inexorably to an office near you. If we let it occur at our universities and accept it passively in our own domains, then a people who defeated totalitarians abroad will surrender their dignity, privacy, and conscience to the totalitarians within."

FIRE cases:

thought reform/brainwashing:
www.thefire.org/msu-pursues-orwellian-thought-reform/ "The list of behaviors that could get students sentenced to “accountability training” include “sexist” or “homophobic” remarks"
www.thefire.org/cases/university-of-delaware-students-required-to-undergo-ideological-reeducation/ "the University of Delaware dropped an ideological reeducation program that was referred to in the university’s own materials as a “treatment” for students’ incorrect attitudes and beliefs."

political litmus tests:

www.thefire.org/cases/columbia-university-ideological-litmus-tests-at-teachers-college/ " “expected of Teachers College candidates and graduates” and “assessed at each transition point,” include “Respect for Diversity and Commitment to Social Justice.”"
www.thefire.org/cases/ncate-encouragement-of-political-litmus-tests-in-higher-education/ "The NCATE, a leading accreditor of education schools, agreed to drop the vague and politically loaded recommendation that education students demonstrate a belief in “social justice” in order to graduate."
www.thefire.org/cases/missouri-state-university-political-litmus-test-in-school-of-social-work/ "Emily Brooker sued Missouri State University (MSU) after she was threatened with expulsion and charged with violating MSU’s “Standards of Essential Functioning” for refusing to lobby the Missouri legislature on behalf of homosexual adoption."
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monterey_Peninsula_College в low-ranked community colleges, судя по FIRE's litigation за этот период, эти purty тесты очень распространены. Я их решил игнорить из-за рейтинга, но сам феномен примечателен. В более престижных коллеждах была та же хуйня, только с поправкой на более высокий IQ, соответсвенно менее грубое поведение администрации, более тонкие методы.

anti-affirmative action speech:

censorship of non-lefty things:
www.thefire.org/cases/university-of-oklahoma-plot-to-punish-professor-for-political-beliefs-whistleblowing/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Deming#Affirmative_action
www.thefire.org/cases/depaul-university-censorship-of-student-group-protesting-ward-churchill/ "A student group that protested a campus appearance by University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill has become DePaul University’s latest victim of censorship."
www.thefire.org/cases/tufts-university-conservative-student-journal-found-guilty-of-harassment/ "a parody of race-based college admissions" "“Islam—Arabic Translation: Submission,” a satirical advertisement that ridiculed Tufts’ “Islamic Awareness Week.”" "Tufts’ Committee on Student Life found TPS guilty of harassment for having “targeted” black students and Muslims for “embarrassment.”"
www.thefire.org/cases/indiana-university-purdue-university-indianapolis-student-employee-found-guilty-of-racial-harassment-for-reading-a-book/ "was found guilty of racial harassment for merely reading the book Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan during his work breaks. "
www.thefire.org/cases/stanford-university-education-program-tries-to-keep-outspoken-student-from-enrolling-demands-access-to-private-blog/ "Stanford tried to revoke Kerr’s admission after she voiced disagreement with “progressive” views held by STEP administrators, Kerr turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help. Kerr sought FIRE’s aid a second time after Stanford School of Education administrators demanded the password to her private blog and threatened to expel her for her opinions and teaching philosophy"

lack of due process:

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