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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
What Middle-Class Families Want Politicians to Know

JESSICA WANG, Cupertino, Calif.

Marriage and family therapist. Lives with her husband, an executive assistant to a venture capitalist, and their son. Household income of $120,000 to $200,000.

...Although we make over $150,000 a year, we are lower middle class in the San Francisco Bay Area. We cannot buy a home here, our cars are both over 10 years old, and we don’t eat out more than a couple of times per month. We have a college fund for our son, but no real savings.

Iran Sanchez embraced a “blended” family with her ex-husband to maintain a middle-class life for her daughter.Credit...Damon Winter/The New York Times

IRAN SANCHEZ, Laveen, Ariz.

Trains call-center workers for a department store. Lives with her daughter; her ex-husband, a systems engineer; his wife, a probation officer; and their two children. Household income of $120,000-$200,000.

I feel middle class, in the sense that I’ve been able to do a lot of things my parents couldn’t: being able to travel, being able to enjoy vacation. My parents never had that.

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