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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)

Amnesty International has reportedly withdrawn its recent designation of Russian opposition politician Aleksei Navalny's as a "prisoner of conscience" over his alleged advocacy of violence and discrimination and comments that included hate speech.

Aleksandr Artemyev, the rights watchdog's media manager for Russia and Eurasia, confirmed the decision to Mediazona on February 23 after the news was first reported by U.S. journalist Aaron Mate.

RFE/RL was unable to independently confirm the reports.

Artemyev wrote that Amnesty, which named Navalny a prisoner of conscience after his arrest in Moscow in January, decided to retract the designation "in light of new information" stemming from "old videos and social media posts in which Navalny made controversial pronouncements."

The comments attributed to Navalny in the mid-2000s were not specified, but Artemyev said they were made as Navalny's activism and challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin was gaining momentum and that their reemergence "appears to be another tactic to delegitimize Navalny's work and criticism and to weaken public outcry about his detention."

Artemyev told the independent Russian news outlet that while the rights watchdog had determined some of Navalny's comments "rose to the level of hate speech," according to Current Time, it was still calling for the anti-corruption activist's "immediate release and for the Russian authorities to cease this politically motivated prosecution."

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