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Некто написал,
Там это, Leah Rowe покаялась, отрицается от CoCов и защищает бацьку-RMSа
The particular code of conduct that Libreboot adopted was the Contributor Covenant by Coraline Ada Ehmke. At the time, I did not know of her. Recently, I have learned about her. She is pure evil. She regularly harasses people on the internet, while hiding behind her minority status as a transgender person so that people are less likely to criticize her. She acts like a total fascist, going around the internet looking for people that disagree with her political views; she then attempts to cancel those people. See: cancel culture.

Coraline: I am transgender, and I’m deeply saddened by your views. You do not represent us, and I reject your ideas entirely. Your so-called Ethical Source movement pushes non-free licenses; specifically, these licenses, so-called Ethical licenses, place huge restrictions on the usage of the software. If a person uses a program under such licensing, the author can literally deny you access if they happen to disagree with your political views. I believe that all people should have freedom in their computing, even if I dislike their views.

This is why I revoked the code of conduct (Contributor Covenant) on libreboot.org. I do not wish for Libreboot to be associated with her. Every time someone reads a copy of the Contributor Covenant, Coraline’s influence to distribute non-free software licenses becomes stronger.

I, Leah Rowe, oppose non-free software and I reject Coraline Ada’s ideology. Libreboot will not be implementing another code of conduct. I initially was going to, but there is no need.

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