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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-07-03 17:29:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:She Past Away ?- Narin Yalnizlik

abolish the white race by any means necessary
Очень хорошая, кстати, религия

The Moorish Orthodox Church of America is a syncretic,
non-exclusive, and religious anarchist movement espousing
a vast array of liturgical and devotional traditions laid
over a theology that includes teachings gleaned from
Moorish Science, the Five Percenters, the Episcopi
vagantes movement, Nizari Islam, Sufism (particularly from
the Sufi Order In?yati, Shadhili, Alevi-Bektashi and
Uwaisi traditions), and varying degrees of Theosophical
mysticism, Hermeticism, Oriental Orthodoxy, the League for
Spiritual Discovery, Western esotericism, Neoplatonism,
the teachings of Noel Ignatiev, Tantra, Zoroastrianism,
Taoism, and Vedanta teachings.

After a long period of quiescence, the Moorish Orthodox
Church of America experienced a small renaissance in the
mid-1980s owing to the involvement of former members of
the beat/beatnik movement, the counter-cultural hippie
community, and the gay liberation movement, along with
the continued involvement of Sultan Rafi Sharif Bey (who
founded the Moorish League) and the prolific writings of
Hakim Bey.

* * *

Я всегда думал, что "Moorish Science" придумал Хаким Бей
сотоварищи, в качестве пародии на "Christian science",
но, оказывается, оно существует еще с 1920-х, причем
ни разу не пародийное

Упомянутый в качестве одного из праотцов
движения Ноель Игнатьев много боролся с жидами и
до кучи первым придумал дико пиздить белых за их белую
расу; за 20 лет до того, как это стало модно.

Noel Ignatiev (December 27, 1940 - November

9, 2019) was an American author and historian. He was best
known for his work on race and social class and for his
call to abolish "whiteness". Ignatiev was the co-founder
of the New Abolitionist Society and co-editor of the
journal Race Traitor, which promoted the idea that
"treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity".

'Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the
dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too,
until the social construct known as "the white race" is
destroyed - not "deconstructed" but destroyed'.

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