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Некто написал,

This tale narrates the origin of the common cold (gamgi, or gobbul), which is believed to be caused by the ghost of a man with two genitals, who died after a futile search for a wife and fulfilled his lust in death by releasing himself in people’s nostrils...
he sought relief for his unfulfilled desires by releasing himself in people’s nostrils, which in people manifests as symptoms of sinus congestion in the early stages of a cold and progresses into a runny nose.

There lived a prince with two genitals, and when it came time for him to marry the king ordered his subjects to find a maiden with two genitals...

A variation of this tale features a maiden with two genitals, whose father posts an advertisment in search of a bachelor with two genitals. A young man who happened across a penis floating down the stream picked it up to compare it with his own, but it stuck to his body, inadvertently leaving him with two genitals...

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