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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)

But the F.S.B. statement may be unlikely to convince critics of Mr. Putin that Ukraine was indeed behind the crime. Coming just over 36 hours after the blast, the agency’s declaration that it had “solved” the crime represented an extraordinarily rapid investigation compared to other high-profile assassinations — like those of the opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in 2015 or of the independent journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006, cases that remain unsolved.

And the agency has been accused of staging attacks for political ends. Two decades ago, the F.S.B. was accused of involvement in bombings of apartment buildings in Moscow that killed more than 300 people and touched off Russia’s invasion of the republic of Chechnya. Those accusations were never confirmed. At the time, residents in Ryazan, 115 miles from Moscow, said they had found intelligence agents planting explosives underneath an apartment building, prompting the F.S.B. to apologize and assert that the material in question was sugar sacks and that the incident was a security exercise.

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