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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2023-02-13 23:39:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Element of Crime - BLUEBIRD TAPES (Live aus Wien)

монополия на пропаганду всякой мерзости
Гнойные мрази лоббируют правительство на предмет
ограничения AI-технологий
типа чтобы запретить опенсорс-AI и до кучи запретить
продавать железо, на котором его можно запускать,
типа дешевых видеокарт. В качестве причины выдвигается
на этот раз не копирайт, а "борьба с мизинформацией",
то есть монополия на пропаганду всякой мерзости, типа


-- In my opinion, Governments are NOT afraid of average

Joes making or spreading propaganda or disinformation -
that's the latest excuse. What they are afraid of is
having a communication medium they cannot control and
propagandize or spread disinformation on as THEY see

-- That was their main fear of the early internet, yes.

-- I'm permanently banned from YouTube due to their evil
censorship. And that was before they went ban crazy in
2020 for everything against "The Narrative".

-- They used covid to silence so many people. It's
frighteningly disgusting.

-- So did (and does) Reddit, discord, meta, twitter,
PayPal, Patreon, duck duck go, and other big tech

-- So basically, they want to purge GitHub of any project
that could compete with them, limit the computing power
available to consumers to make us dependent on their
cloud-based subscription services, and require ID so
they can track your web activity to serve
hyper-targeted ads and make sure you aren't sharing
your accounts with anyone to avoid extra subscription

Ну и до кучи, чудесный комментарий насчет того, почему
всем, кроме совков и бывших совков, насрать на путлера.

I suppose it depends what country you are in. If you live

near to Russia then they are definitely not your
friend. But I live over 3000 miles away. They are not a
physical threat to me, but they do oppose my government
which is our greatest enemy. And if the unthinkable
happens, and WW3 goes hot, our capital which is home to
our government will be flattened. Which would be
great. There would be parties in the streets praising our
wonderful liberators.

Вейся, вейся, черный флаг! Государство - главный враг.


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