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Некто написал,
Re: Бурдье

There are some others like MAX WEBER who deny the status of science to Sociology. He said Sociology can’t be an objective Science. However, those who deny the status of science to Sociology they put forth following arguments:

Lack of objectivity:

Complete objectivity in the study of human behaviour is impossible. Sociology deals with social relationships which cannot studied like physical objects. Hence objectivity is not possible in Sociology.

Lack of Experimentation:

Sociology deals with human relationships which cannot be put to laboratory test.

Lack of Prediction:

Sociology deals with social relationships and human behaviour which are so uncertain and peculiar that we can’t make any accurate prediction about it. We can’t predict what will be one’s behaviour at a certain point of time nor we can predict about the trends or speed of social change.

Lack of accurate measurement:

Sociology can’t make accurate measurement like natural sciences. Besides sociology deals with social relationships which is qualitative in nature which can’t be measured.

Lack of Generalisation:

Sociology can’t make generalisations like natural sciences which is universally applicable. Sociology deals with human behaviour and no two individual are alike. Hence the conclusions drawn by Sociology can’t be uniform or universally applicable. Social Phenomena is so complex and complicated and is governed by so many factors that it is really difficult to draw a conclusion which will be universally applicable.

Terminological Inefficiency:

Sociology suffers from terminological inefficiency. Sociology has not yet became able to develop adequate set of scientific terms. Many terms used in Sociology is vague and carry different meaning to different persons.

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