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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
типичная цитата из истории прогга (1970)

Torgny Sjöstedt, like many others, had landed in the R-camp via the FNL groups. As the Maoists split, the FNL groups were also divided into opposite sides of the battlefront, and the study circle he attended happened to be run by the R's. That's probably what happened to the bandmates, too. First they were young lads, interested in the politics of the R's, and they happened to have a band of their own, and one fine day that band had become a band of the R's. The story is almost taken from a novel, and actually it is from a novel, but Torgny asserts that there is nothing invented in his Vi hade rätt hela tiden. He looks at the past in a refreshingly calm manner, without romanticization and glorification but also without sackcloth and ashes.

Love Explosion and a number of other bands performed and rehearsed at the Hagahuset Concert Hall. One day a representative from the communist students' league (Marxists-Leninists) arrived, who had been tasked with raising the ideological awareness of the musicians by gathering them in Marxist study groups. The revolutionary labour movement, that is, the R's, was certainly pleased to see that so many of Hagahuset's bands had progressive tendencies, but unfortunately their lyrics were ideologically still very fickle. "A communist leadership is needed here for the music to become absolutely progressive."

All right then, Dennis admitted, the band really should study the role of culture in the class struggle, so they could adopt a clearer political attitude. Soon after, Love Explosion and a few other bands interested in communism gathered in a study circle. There were En Suck Av Lättnad from the Sandarna district, an acoustic trio called Nynningen, who later went electric and made a breakthrough with their rocking arrangements of Mayakovsky poems, and the grandiously named Stalinorgeln. The "Stalin's Organ" later transformed into a political heavy-metal group called Motvind. The study circle immersed themselves in the writings of Mao, Engels, Brecht, and some Soviet cultural theoretician, perhaps Lunacharski. One of the leaders was the guitarist of the agit-group Knutna Nävar. Among the most chilling numbers in the repertoire of the "Clenched Fists" was Sången om Stalin, an anthem for the great dictator.

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