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Некто написал,
Does the prohibition also cover the dissemination of content through other means
such as a website? Does the content only include the TV stations of the targeted
entities, or does it also cover their websites and/or other content that they might
disseminate over the Internet?

Yes. The field of application of this provision goes beyond the mere broadcasting of TV stations.
The term ‘broadcast’ in conjunction with ‘any content’ is to be understood, in light of the
objective of the provision, as covering a broader range of content provision than the term
‘television broadcasting’ used in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive 1 . It should be
understood as transmitting, disseminating or distributing any type of content in the broadest
possible meaning (long videos, short video extracts, news items, radio etc.) to an audience
regardless of the means of transmission, dissemination or distribution (including online).

The targeted entities have Internet subdomains and also newly-created domains.
Are EU operators obliged to avoid enabling, facilitating or otherwise contributing to
access to all such subdomains and new domains?
Last update: 8 June 2023
The entity that registers a domain has control over the subdomains; if the domain is blocked, its
subdomains should be blocked as well. The prohibition laid down in the Regulation also applies
to newly created Internet domains that are in substance run or controlled by the targeted entities
or used to circumvent the prohibition at issue.

Does the Regulation create obligations for parties other than operators of cable,
satellite, IP-TV, Internet Service Providers, or online video-sharing platforms?
Last update: 23 March 2022
The Regulation sets out a number of examples of activities (‘such as’), so it also applies to, for
instance, caching services, search engines, social media or hosting service providers whose
services can be used to disseminate propaganda from the targeted entities.

the prohibition to make economic resources available includes the prohibition to provide
internet services, satellite capacities, content hosting services or any other means that could be
used to obtain funds by the listed entities.


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