

Russians... They literally have no culture of their own. Anything they do have was taken and assumed to be their own. The only true culture of Russia is Nazi white supremacy. Putin is quite literally committing genocide in Ukraine while also ethnically cleaning Russia of any non ethnic White Russians. Slaves. Why is Russia obsessed with slavery? ........
In early August, the Russian-language novelist Wolodymyr Rafejenko declared he now felt a “revulsion” when he conversed in Russian, and vowed never again to write in it.
........... Russia is always vulnerable someplace — at least for as long as it takes to gather and concentrate its killing power. ........... And the central problem in Russian history is slavery. Brings into light the absurdity of boycotting Russian vodka, art and athletes. What is Russia offer to Ukraine apart from poverty and genocide? Russian life and politics - policies of Ivan the Terrible at one point as a strange mixture of farsightedness and paranoia — a combination frequently reproduced by his successors through the centuries. KILL KILL KILL ...... Пионер должен убить Американбоя и потом Песах должен убить Пионера. Затем Тимофей DECE убьет Песаха, и повесится. ............
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