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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
> И никак, нигде
> не вижу утверждения христианами
> частной собственности.

Ну что за хуйня

Christians whose politics favor government over the private sector
can point to the Acts of the Apostles, Books 4 and 5, which
describe how in the early Christian church, "not a man of them
claimed any of his possessions as his own, but everything was held
in common."45 The Acts even describe how God struck dead two
church members who conspired to conceal some of their wealth
from church leaders.46 Is this an endorsement of socialism?

These passages from the New Testament describe a commu-
nism of consumption but not of production. This approach was
typical of religious cults of the time. Ever y member of the early
church was expected to earn a living in the private sector. Jesus
never condemned private property or those who owned it.
Indeed, how could He while calling charity the highest of the
virtues? As a Russian philosopher once observed, Christians
exhort their followers to give away their own wealth, whereas
socialists call for seizing the wealth of others for redistribution.47

The apostle Paul, whom many theologians credit (or charge,
depending on their views on organized religion) with transform-
ing Christianity from a Jewish sect into a religion that spread
worldwide with unparalleled speed, campaigned tirelessly to
attract men with property, particularly freed slaves who had
endured the experience of being denied legal possession of prop-
erty.48 Paul's Gospel, delivered in an era when as many as seven
out of ten Romans were slaves, is filled with references to free-
dom: "For freedom, Christ has set us free," " Where the Spirit of
the Lord is, there is freedom," and we glory in the "liberty of the
children of God."49
Members of Paul's circle of converts and leaders, according to
a leading Paulian scholar, were "upwardly mobile; their achieved
status is higher than their attributed status."50 Because of its anti-
authoritarian message, early Christianity was more at peace with
the institutions of the secular world--especially property, trade,
and wealth--than were the religions it supplanted.51 " The early
Christian church accepted private property as a fact of life and
concentrated on exhorting the faithful to engage in charity to the
maximum extent possible..."


Иудо-христианство равно капитализму, это явления
абсолютно тождественные. Без иудо-христианства
(включая, конечно, же, самую пакостную форму -
ислам) капитализм просто невозможен.

Такие дела

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