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Пишет imp_562 ([info]kaledin@lj)
Re: a quick reality check
Look, this is total Wall street bullshit.

Just look around. All the countries that succeeded had strong capital regulations; all the countries that didn't, failed. The moment IMF imposed capital market liberalization on East Asia, they've had the crises. Except for China, that told IMF to go fuck themselves. Go read Stiglitz, indeed. It's all spelled out there in painstaking detail.

>Hence, in a rather paradoxical way, the more it >smells of "tough measures" the likelier it is for >Roman Abramowitz and other people with similar >last names and income levels to liquidate >buisinesses and transfer their wealth abroad.

These people do not have businesses. They have money-leaching machines. None of them intends to die in Russia. The IMF got it precisely wrong: high domestic interest rate do not generate any noticable re-investment of stolen money, they just kill off any possibility of credit for real domestic businesses.

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