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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheepl Acceptance of government intrusion and regulation is another hallmark of the "sheeple" according to those who use the epithet. The Guardian reported that an Alaskan reacted to news of a survey that said that "four out of five Americans . . . would give up some freedoms for greater security" by labelling this majority as "sheeple". Common usage also applies the term to devoutly religious people, particularly Christians; however, it is also used to describe devout members of any religious persuasion, and perhaps its particular application to Christianity is a combination of the fact that Christians are the majority religion in the Americas and Europe where the term is commonly used, and the fact that Christians describe themselves as a "flock" and Christ as a "shepherd." * * * "Love your enemies and do good to them that hate you and dispitefully use you" is the despicable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls upon its back when kicked. Obey it, O reader, and you and your posterity to the tenth generation shall be irretrievably and literally damned. They shall be hewers of wood and carriers of water: degenerates, Gibeonites. But hate your enemies with a whole heart. If a man smite you on one cheek, smash him down! Smite him hip and thigh for self-preservation is the highest law. He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog - a Christian dog. Добавить комментарий: |
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