Tue, Mar. 16th, 2010, 07:10 pm
myristicin2iodo-myristicin2mmda, bromo-to-iodoSafrole2mda..

Re: myristicin&mmda
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 08:25:55 PM »   

Yep.  There was talk of forming iodo-safrole back at the hive.  Iodine is a much better leaving group than bromine, so primary amines like MDA or, in this case, MMDA  are much more easily formed.  The idea is to isolate myristicin.  There was discussion on another forum that a good fraction of parsley seed oil had myristicin from a source but that the oil did not entirely freeze at the same points.  The GC/MS that the company supplied said it had a decent fraction of myristicin.  What some don't know is that many parsley seed oils also contain apiol and that the company in question may not have been proficient enough with their equipment to tell the difference between myristicin and apiol.  Anyway, keep in mind that apiol might be a fraction you don't want and I think the boiling points are pretty similar.

I didn't read the Rhodium link but iodomyristicin would be an excellent way to go.  There is a bee named Jon who really nailed down some interesting information on this via a different route.  He isolates the terminal alkene and formed bromosafrole in situ by reacting NaBr with H2SO4.  He then isolated the bromosafrole and made iodosafrole via the Finkelstein reaction with NaI in acetone.  After that MDA was made easily with NH3.  Go search that bee's notes on bromo and iodo-safrole and MDA at wetdreams.  Some of the best notes on the subject to date can be found by reading his notes and that is probably the best way to get what you want, that is, unless you have access to NaBH3CN and want to make the corresponding ketone.  Either way, you are on the right track.
