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Пишет tws5 ([info]tws5)
@ 2006-12-13 20:34:00

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authorities stoped gas in our district
Dear Friend,

Please excuse me for this letter.

My name is Valentin. I'm student and I live with my mother in a small town Kaluga, Russia. My mother cannot see and she receive pension very rare which is not enought even for medications.

I work very hard every day to be able to buy necessities for my mother, but my salary is very small, because my studies still not finished.

Due to deep crisis authorities stoped gas in our district and now we cannot heat our home. I don't know what to do, because the winter is coming and the weather will be very cold. I am very afraid that the temperature inside our home can become very cold and we will not be able to survive.

Therefore I finded several e-mail addresses and thank to the free internet access in our local library I decided to appeal to you with prayer in my heart for small help.

If you have any old sleping bag, warm blanket, electric heater, warm clothes and shoes, electric water-boiler, canned and dried food, vitamins, medicines from cold, any hygiene-products, I will be very grateful to you if you could send it to our postal address which is:

Valentin Mikhailin,
Rileeva Str, 6-45.
Kaluga. 248030,

If you think that it would be better or easier for you to help with some money, please write me back and I will write you how to send it safely, if you agree. In this case I will be able to buy a portable stove and heat our home during the winter.

I hope to hear from you very soon and I pray that you can help us. I also hope very much that this hard situation will become better in our region very soon.

From all my heart, I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I wish that the New Year will bring you hapiness and all your dreams come true.

God Bless You,

Kaluga. Russia.

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