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Пишет onanymous ([info]onanymous)
@ 2017-04-12 17:48:00

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Кадыров и геи

Из кумментов:

steevlemercier: Ignorant killer! shame on you and your denial.

orwayounis: Stop killing gay men !!!!

jordan_duffx: LGBT people do exist in Chechnya,and you know it, stop killing innocent gay men!

ldpgni: You are disgusting. I am repulsed by your actions and hope you will go to hell where you belong.

ashtriegh: You're a discusting human landfill.

phatjesus95: You look at him like you need to go to your special camp (на фотке Кадыров обнимает и смотрит на своего помощника)

drunkenoughtosayiloveyou: The look of love

karl_zetkinsky: You will be prosecuted, you worthless piece of human garbage.

(Добавить комментарий)

2017-04-12 17:51 (ссылка)
Очень познавательно! Иди нахуй.


поздравления понравились
2017-04-14 11:50 (ссылка)
chiquitasenoritacongratulations to the gay couple
