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Пишет lehi ([info]lehi) в [info]hateclub_yarika
@ 2016-03-19 21:21:00

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29 июн 12 - 26 мар 13



The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Assalamu alaykum, komrade Assange.

L-l-look at you, hacker...

Here's the untold story of Russian radical Cyberpunk underground.

Sorry for my English, and sorry for my typos.

My name is Ahmed al-Kurgani, born Vladimir Georgievich Frolov, 28 years old.

Everybody calls me Yarowrath, or Yar for short.

I am your big fan. In fact, all of us are.

I loved your show on Russia Today, especially parts 1 and 8.

Hizbullah are my heroes, and I am an old-school Cypherpunk.

I write this letter to you, because you are probably the only person on the planet who can understand everything that is written here, and who is curious and open-minded enough to be interested.

It is a very long read, but I promise you that you won't be bored. It will start slow (setting and concepts are essential), but in the end it reads like an edgy Cyberpunk novel. Like "Deus Ex" for real, but much more dirty and low-life. It has conspiracies, betrayals, plot twists, murders, arsons, explosions, hacking, drugs, sex, assassination markets, technoterrorism, strange religions, mysticism and shitload of corpses. And it has insights into primal drives of human nature that you'll never find anywhere else. It will have lots of off-topic stuff inside, but it's all relevant to the main point, since you can't separate our actions from the ideas and feelings that drive us. I know, attention span is a precious commodity today. But, please, have patience and read it all.

It is basically a story of my life.

I was Russia's most popular blogger before being convoyed to mental asylum by machinegun squad and charged with terrorism and coup d'etat attempt. No, I am not making this up, and I am not exaggerating. This is the story of extremes and weirdness.

I am the head of The Monolith (no, not the one from "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.", the real one), which is currently the largest Posthumanist organization in Russia. Probably the largest in the world, I don't know for sure.

You've never heard of us, of course. Westerners don't have much clue about what is happening in Russia. Narrative about Russia is constructed by the rich and their whores. And we, ordinary Russians, are too busy with our own problems to tell the outside world what's happening. This open letter should fix this.

This is the voice of the voiceless.

This is the story of New Russia through the eyes of the hacker.

The story of the revolution that failed.

It all began many years ago, when Soviet Union was still around. I learned to code even before I went to school. There were a lot of kids like me, we loved computers and science fiction. And like all Soviet kids, we dreamed to be cosmonauts.

There was a newspaper, "Golos Vselennoy" ("Voice Of The Universe"), which was the first independent newspaper in the Soviet Union, a strange fusion of sci-fi, horror, religion and radical politics. Compared to this, David Icke is boringly softcore. And it was long before David Icke anyway. That shit was awesome, and creative, and scary. It taught me to think outside the box.

This newspaper was published by Yuri Petukhov, who is probably the greatest and most imaginative sci-fi author I've ever read. His books were sold by more than 16 million copies, and he published them himself, through the publishing house he founded - again, the first one in the entire Soviet Union.

But the people who came to power when Soviet Union collapsed deeply hated him, because he exposed them. They did everything to silence him. That's why you don't know his name.

Anyway, his newspaper has inspired us. We decided to make our own newspaper, and distribute it in our school. We teamed up and created our small community.

There was no Internet back then. We used diskettes and then BBS to distribute our programs, and playing multiplayer involved LAN cables. Later we had Internet, but no hypertext, only Telnet connection. And of course, there was Russian FidoNet subculture.

We were small-time hackers. We wrote viruses for fun, but we never distributed them. Most of our work involved making expensive things free: cracking software protection, distributing pirated programs, finding ways to circumvent the need to pay for Moscow Metro, buses, payphones, stuff like that. We also wrote simple computer games, and distributed them for free. We never wanted to get rich, or famous, or something. We believed that everything should be free for everyone. We were practicing Communism. We were Communists, and it was Russian 90ies, when not being a Communist meant that you don't have a soul.

Komrade Assange, I know that you are a Libertarian like most of Western radicals, but, you see, in Soviet Russia, everything is the other way around. You see, Russia was in a shitcan back then. We had a weak and drunk president, Boris Yeltsin, but the true power belonged to the oligarchs, the rich bankers, who were looting Russia with the support of their CIA backers.

The oligarchs didn't just robbed Russians, they humiliated us. The oligarch-owned mass-media was telling us 24 hours a day, on all TV channels and in all newspapers, that we, Russians, are a subhuman race, Mongol mongrels, that we are natural-born slaves, and our culture was a piece of shit, and that we deserve to be exterminated en masse through economic shock therapy, and our population reduced by 90%. I am not exaggerating, they were telling just that, openly. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on all channels. They were telling us that Russia is shit, and Communism is shit, and Stalin is shit.

So, of course we were supporting Russia, supporting Communism, supporting Stalin - just to spite those fuckers, who thought that they bought Russia and would rule Her forever, pushing us around. That's how resentment works, after all. If our enemies hated Stalin and Communism, it seemed natural for us to love what they hated. So, we viewed Stalin's era (The Great Experiment) as the peak of human social progress, worshipping the purity and integrity of Totalitarian ideology and aesthetics.

And there was a thing that we couldn't explain: those fuckers (oligarchs and their whores) were Jews. I mean, almost all of them. That was very strange to us. You see, we were Communists, Proletarian Internationalists, who believed that racism is evil and stupid and wrong. But every time we turned on the TV, we saw rich Jews insulting Russians for being Russians. That's where modern Russian anti-semitism grows from. National humiliation. Weimar moment.

Russian Communists were not against the Jews. They were against the rich bankers who pushed Russians around. The problem is that the bankers were telling Communists that we were natural-born anti-semites and were just hating them for being Jews. And that was pure bullshit. They were saying that Communists are "Red Nazis", and, fuck, that was Russia, we lost 30 million people when fighting against the Nazis. My granddad was a WW2 vet, for fuck's sake. That was so insulting, so sick, so wrong.

We thought that we were wronged. We felt injustice. And we still feel it. Think of WW2. Russian saved the Jews. Red Army has liberated the death camps. 30 million Russians died, and 6 million Jews died as well. But nobody remembers 30 million, everybody remembers 6 million. And you can't touch the Jews. Anti-semitism is a crime, but Russophobia is okay.

Just look at modern computer games. Russians are demonized. We are the default video game evil. In almost every modern computer game people are supposed to shoot Russians by the thousands without feeling any guilt. But if you ever see the game which allows you to play a Palestinian kid throwing rocks at Merkava tanks, this game will be called racist. Because throwing rocks at Merkava tanks in self-defence is racism, and killing Russians en masse is not. Western hypocrisy at its best.

We are like cockroaches. Nobody counts our dead. Nobody cares about our suffering. Killing Russians is not racism. Hating Russians is not racism. To the West, we are the ultimate Other. We are the inspiration for every speculative evil ever. We are the template behind the orks, the undead, the xenomorphs, the Zerg, the Borg, the Strogg, the Skynet. The huge monolithic warlike force, ready to swipe the kingdoms of the West from the map. All non-Russian video game evil is just Russians by any other name if you dig deep enough.

And you know, that's not offensive at all. That's just how the things are. Yes, we are the orks, we are the cockroaches, and we are good at dying. That's okay, nothing to be ashamed of, really.

You see, cockroaches are the ultimate racism test.

If you can't sympathize with cockroaches, you are a racist.

When I was a bit younger, the flat I lived in was infested with cockroaches and spiders. My mother suffered from compulsive hoarding, which meant that the entire flat looked like a dirty junkyard. The perfect place for cockroaches to breed. They were everywhere. Crawling on me when I sleep, getting inside the computer, getting into the food. They were disgusting and repulsive. But I couldn't hate them. The poor things just wanted to eat. Just like me. The only difference is that I was big and strong, and could easily kill them. But killing them was wrong, and I avoided doing that as much as I could. Just think about it: humans killed trillions of cockroaches, but not a single cockroach has ever killed a human. That's sick and wrong, man. Strong must protect the weak, not bully them around. Don't judge the book by its cover. Now the cockroaches are gone, but, strangely, I miss them.

There was a great movie called "District 9". It was about alien cockroaches and shallow human racism. It was one of the best sci-fi movies ever created.

But if you watch closely, you'll see that the movie itself is subtly racist.

You see, they made aliens bipedal, anthropomorphic, and gave them human eyes.

Cockroaches with human eyes.

That's Race Lift trope, plain and simple.

That's not any different from Hollywood casting Caucasian actors instead of African and Asian ones.

Movie creators thought that we, humans, are so shallow, that we can't sympathize with alien cockroaches if they don't have human eyes. What a bullshit.

Anyway, back to my story.

We did lots of technically illegal stuff, but we never had any problems with MVD (police) and FSB (secret police). Actually, MVD and FSB have inter-service rivalry and don't quite get along, but they both have to work together because they have many non-overlapping jurisdictions. Since it's very complex, and explaining details about the issue will double the size of my letter, from now on I'll just lump them together as simply state security, or KGB for short. Westerners love this word, and always call Russian state security KGB, so I'll do the same, even though it's technically incorrect.

So, we've never had problems with KGB.

Actually, KGB is probably the closest thing Russia has to good guys.

Unlike just everybody else, they never tried to buy me or intimidate me, and I value it. They are professionals, and they are patriots.

They allowed us to do whatever we wanted, even if it was illegal, as long as we don't harm Russia and its citizens. And when we mass-hacked Western sites as a response to NATO bombings of Yugoslavia, they actually praised us as patriots.

You see, rule of law is overrated. I would prefer to deal with human KGB and Russian Mafiya guys, then with some soulless corporate perfect police machine that will jail me for some minor offence which harms nobody, or just kill me from above with a drone strike.

That was a great time. Russian hacker subculture thrived. There was even a counter-culture magazine called "Hacker" ("Xakep"). It was silly and had very little to do with actual hacking, but it was fun, having that feel of school newspaper in it. I wrote a couple of articles for it, and later had my own column on their official site. It eventually devolved into just another soulless glossy computer mag. But for a time, it was good.

I became a math student in The Financial Academy. It was very expensive for my family to put me there, and eventually I got kicked - too busy with computers, you see. But for a time, it was good.

I even found a girlfriend, Alyona Rusakova. I was around 17 years old, and she was 24. She called herself "guinea pig", because she considered me too smart for my age, which was creepy. Like I was always experimenting on her or something. I was also good in bed. I have a huge cock and I can fuck for hours without being tired. She never actually believed I was a virgin before I met her. We had sex on a second date. But eventually, she left me, because I was poor.

Here she is:

Beautiful, isn't she? Finding such hot girl today is almost impossible for a guy like me. Web 2.0 has killed the dating. Aside of two short one-night stands shortly after, I didn't have sex ever since. And that was more than ten years ago. Well, didn't have sex with women, I mean. Guys are easy. The traits that make you less attractive to women, like smarts, actually make you more attractive to men. And men don't do those flirty bullshit games. But I am not much into men, actually. I still prefer women. Besides, since women are so fucking hard to date, that makes it an interesting task. As a hacker, I love solving hard problems.

I am trying to date two girls currently. I met both of them more than a year ago.

First is Yulia, the redhead, ex-wife of an oligarch. She is beautiful and kind, and she doesn't care that I am poor, but she is very busy and we don't have time to meet.

Second is Marisha, a hacker girl. She's smart and driven, but she is the worst embodiment of flaws of modern women, with overinflated ego, entitlement and insecurity. She openly slams me for being poor, but that's not the worst thing. The worst thing is that she openly admits that she wants to have sex with me, but she never says "yes", because she thinks that saying "yes" will demean and humiliate her. And any attempts to talk thing over just make me look like a creep (read: needy beta male), which decreases my chances. And I don't even want to fuck her, kissing or touching is good enough, but she still refuses, while openly claiming that she wants me. This "no means yes" bullshit makes my brain boil. So, she wants me, but she still friendzones me because of her pride. And the pride is the mother of all sin.

You see, komrade Assange, we know that you are falsely accused of rape by some feminist girl. False rape accusations isn't such problem in Russia as they are in the West, and we don't have much feminism here, but the misandry is still present. In the modern society, males have it worse, at least if they are not rich. There's a backlash movement, called Men's Rights Activism, but their answer to misandry is misogyny, which is disgusting.

I read both anti-misandry blogs like Heartiste and anti-misogyny blogs like Manboobz, and I don't understand why I can't have it both. Feminism and Men's Rights shouldn't be mutually exclusive.

Sure, women hate guys like me. But that doesn't mean I should hate them back. Eye for an eye is from the Old Testament. Jesus (peace be upon him) taught us different thing. He taught us: turn the other cheek. Jews rejected Jesus, and look where it got them: killing Palestinian children with bombs and tanks, breeding more mutual hate, with no peace in sight. That's not the answer. God is love. Forgiveness is the key. You need to forgive everyone for everything.

I think that in modern society, men have it worse. We are not privileged at all, that's bullshit. All my fans are men, and most of them are adult virgins. Modern women are spoiled, entitled and cruel. The pain of being unloved drives modern men suicidaly insane. Think about all those school shootings and murder-suicides, which are getting more and more gruesome. Think of Breivik, who was driven to murderous insanity because he didn't get laid, and he blamed Muslims for this, because he was too afraid to face truth. Others, like George Sodini, openly say that they hate women for not giving them any.

That's omega male rampage. And it is not the answer. It is the product of alienation. And the only way to solve the alienation is communication. Hate only makes things worse. Hating somebody back just because they hate you doesn't make you a hero. It makes you Clarence Bodicker.

Yes, nice guys finish last, and chicks dig jerks. But I don't want to be a jerk. It's just not worth it.

So, despite being a friendzoned omega male myself, and despite sympathizing with billions of modern omega males, I still refuse to be a mysoginist. I sympathize with women. I think women are people. And I am a feminist. Well, technically, pro-feminist, since I am a guy.

Hatred is for the weak. If you are strong - turn the other cheek. Not because you'll get any reward for this, but because it is the right thing to do.

Anyway, I still don't like those flirting games, friendzoning and "no means yes" bullshit, so I love masculine women, butch women, the women who think like men, who say what they think and do what they say. Think of Ripley from "Alien 3" or "G.I.Jane". I love women who like manly things like sports, computers, politics, weapons, stuff like that. The women who love rough sex and can beat me in a fight.

But they are very rare. I found one, around ten years ago. She's around ten years older than me. Her name is Svetlana Synkova. But she calls herself Blood (like Captain Blood), or Kastrula ("cooking pot"), or emergent-2 (in our organization we call ourselves by numbers, I am emergent-1). Actually, she doesn't like being called "her", (s)he self-identifies as a man (kinda FTM non-op, I love that).

Here's how she looks like:

Badass and edgy. Just the way I love it.

The strange thing: for all the years we knew each other, we never actually ever met in person.

She is an ethnic Russian, but she is born in Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, and when Soviet Union broke up, she wasn't given Russian citizenship.

You see, Russians are the most divided nation on the planet, more than 20 million Russians were trapped outside Russian Federation when Soviet Union broke up, and getting Russian citizenship is pain in the ass. Fucking bureaucracy. We don't have "law of return" like in Israel or Germany. Technically, we have, but it doesn't work. In fact, it is easier for non-Russian to get Russian citizenship. And this double standart is one of the many things that fuel Russian resentment.

Anyway, she lives in America now. She wants to get to Russia, but she can't afford a ticket. She can't even afford an Internet connection, or even phone bills, so we no longer communicate at all. She is poor, just like me. She is my bride (or I am his bride, not sure). Probably we'll marry someday. But that won't be soon. It's just so sad.

Now, back to the story.

In 2000-2005 I was very active in English-language forums.

I was known as "int_00h" or "interrupt_00h". A fitting name for a hacker.

Mostly I was hanging on video game forums, giving my ideas on how to improve things. I remember developers of "Master of Orion 3" said that I can one day "outdune The Dune", which was quite a compliment, since I considered "Dune" to be one of the best sci-fi universes ever. I grew up reading Soviet sci-fi and considered most of Western sci-fi like "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" to be childish and cheesy. Eventually, "Master of Orion 3" developers kicked me from the forums for being too political, and said that I should apply my talents somewhere else.

So I ventured to political forums of English-speaking Internet. I became a member of Soviet Empire forum, which was great back then (not so much now). I even became a moderator there, and we all had great discussions about Communism, Marxism, Nano-Socialism and stuff like that. It was very enlightening, and I learned much. But then something happened.

Originally, the forum was run by Stalinists (like me), and while we bashed Trotskyists ("trots"), we never actually banned them. But when Trotskyists took over, they just banned us. I was stripped of my moderator rights and banished from this forum forever, ordered never to return. So much for Proletarian Democracy, huh.

I must admit: I like Trotsky, but I don't like Trotskyists. Most Trotskyists aren't actually Trotskyists (followers of Trotsky), they just use assassination of Trotsky as an excuse to bash non-Western Communist movements. If you think about it, they are simply racists. They believe that the only true Communism is the one run by some Western colonialists in safari helmets, ordering the "undeducated" non-Western subhumans (Russians, Chinese, Venezuelans, Lybians, etc) what to do. They believe that all non-Western Communists are "state capitalists" or even "fascists". And that's why they have headquarters in London. If they were real revolutionaries, their headquarters would look like a crater from CIA drone strike. That isn't surprising at all that crypto-colonialist Neo-Trotskyism has evolved into openly colonialist Neo-Conservative movement.

But Trotsky was awesome. Stalin was a Trotskyist. Most stuff Trotskyists bash as "Stalinism" is actually Trotsky's ideas which Stalin put to use. Stalin exiled Trotsky because Trotsky tried to overthrow him through coup d'etat attempt, not because Stalin disagreed with Trotsky. And he killed him because he continued to bash Soviet Union from the exile. Nobody's perfect. Soviet Union wasn't perfect. But bashing is not the answer. Bashing is never the answer. Fixing is the answer. And bashing something that you helped to create is betrayal, plain and simple.

Anyway, back to the story. Trotskyists came to power on Soviet Empire forum and kicked Stalinists out. And since I was the leader of Stalinist faction, I got it harder than others. Of course, forum died soon afterwards. When you start banning people, even trolls (especially trolls!), the result is always the same: stagnation, boredom and death of an intelligent discussion.

Banished from Soviet Empire forum, I migrated to now-defunct Canadian Technocracy forum. I found their site by printing word "technocracy" into Google. It was the only remaining branch of once-powerful Technocratic Intercontinental (which existed for almost a century), and the only guy in this branch, and basically the only guy on this forum was its moderator, Kolzene.

So, why did I join a century-old organization with just one member? Because of the ideas. They were awesome, and they fit well into my Communist and pro-technology worldview. Price System, Energy Accounting, The Technate. You probably heard of it from The Venus Project and Zeitgeist Movement, but they stole those ideas from Technocrats. So, when Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project have appeared on the scene, I just ignored them, because I knew where all their ideas really come from, and I dislike plagiarists. What the point of studying a cheap copy, when you have access to the original stuff?

Anyway, I jumped in. With my presence, the forum became alive. For a time, that was probably the most civilized and intelligent place on the entire Internet. No trolling, no banning, no flame wars, no insults, no stupid people. The discussion was very heated and aggressive, but always civilized, respectful and very intelligent. I've never seen such thing: neither before, nor after. And just like on Soviet Empire forum, I even got my section there, dedicated to Russian Technocratic movement, which was just me and my fans, nothing too big yet.

I also got acquainted with European Eco-Technocrats. They were pretty smart guys. I became friends with their leader, named Technospheretic (the word he learned from me), and I even made his forum avatar. But in the end, he denounced me, and supported my banishment from Technocracy forum. How ungrateful.

That's what humans are, according to Fyodor Dostoyevsky. You see, Dostoyevsky has found a perfect definition of Homo Sapiens: "biped, ungrateful". Cannot agree more. I started reading Dostoyevsky when I was a small kid. He is the greatest philosopher ever. Nietzsche got it all wrong with this Ubermensch bullshit. He didn't disprove Dostoyevsky. Which is not surprising, since Nietzsche didn't lived through what Dostoyevsky has lived. I have lived through my own "Dostoyevsky moment", so I don't believe in Ubermensch. The reason why positivistic Westerners prefer Nietzsche to Dostoyevsky is the same reason why they turned original hopeless prophecies of H.P.Lovecraft into sugar-coated Lovecraft Lite.

Aside from Dostoyevsky, there's another guy who get it all right. His name was Vladimir Vysotsky, he was Russian singer, poet and songwriter. My parents called me "Vladimir" to honor Vysotsky. I was raised on his songs, and these songs made me who I am. They taught me to be brave and honest, to fight the injustice and always stand for truth even if the entire world is against you. But these are very grim songs. Just like Dostoyevsky books, they are filled with human suffering and guilt. But that's how it should be, because suffering and guilt is what Russia all about.

Suffering is good. Suffering is what makes soul pure. And if you don't feel guilt, you don't have a soul.

Vysotsky's songs cannot be adequately translated into English, but here's one good translation attempt:

There’s no mercy there, it’s hopeless;

Clench your teeth and get a grip,

For whichever way a rope twists

It will twist into a whip.

That's Vysotsky for you.

Anyway, back to the story. So, I was exiled from Technocracy forum (of course, just like Soviet Empire forum, it died soon afterwards), and European Eco-Technocrats welcomed this decision. They actually respected me, but considered me to be a bad guy.

Here's their opinion on me:

"I know of some other strong argumentators as well, but believe me, you don't want interrupt_00h on your worst enemy even. It is like being locked into a coffert with a Komodo dragon."

I consider it to be a compliment.

And the exile was actually a blessing in disguise. Because by that time (it was early 2005), there was Chintz Riot in Russia, and I decided that it was time to abandon English-speaking Internet forums (which were prejudiced and closed-minded) and focus on Russian activities. I left English-language Internet and didn't return. Of course, I read English sites, but I've never actually posted anything big in English. Until today.

Chintz Riot was triggered by monetization of social welfare (instead of Soviet-style free ride in the bus, you receive money to buy the tickets for the bus) and was composed mostly of old babushkas (hence, chintz). But the organization that spearheaded it was Limonov's NBP (National-Bolshevik Party).

Eduard Limonov is an awesome guy, I respect him much. But he suffers from pride, the mother of all sin. Like Trotsky refused to accept Stalin leadership, Limonov refuses to accept Putin leadership.

Here's Limonov when he was a bit younger:

Komrade Assange, they won't let you interview Limonov, and, please, don't push it. He is a patriot and a great man, but his pride made him an enemy of Russia. He is the only good guy on the bad guys' side which is called "anti-Putin opposition". But without him, anti-Putin opposition wouldn't even exist. He made them strong. And they backstabbed him. He deserved it, actually. That's what you get when you try to ally yourself with The Devil.

You see, after Chintz Riot, Limonov thought that he is just one step from becoming a new ruler of Russia. So he became, as Stalin would have put it, "dizzy with success". He thought that he needed that one step, one more bit of power, and he made the unthinkable: he made an alliance with the Liberals and Democrats.

The people who call themselves "Liberals" and "Democrats" in Russia are neither Liberal nor Democratic. They are pro-Western servants of the oligarchs. In the 90ies, oligarchs were fighting the Communists (read: Russian patriots) under the pretext of "teaching civilized Western Liberal Democracy to the subhuman barbarian Russian hordes". So, that's why words "Liberal" and "Democratic" are dirty words in Russia. Those Limousine Liberals and Learjet Democrats were universally hated, and they were a small minority, but they were filthy rich, because they looted Russia with the help of their CIA backers. They were drunk with power, playing gods, humiliating Russians and stomping us into dirt, like if we were cockroaches. Putin had curbed them, but they still controlled most of the media, and most important of all: they controlled Western media portrayal of Russia through their connections.

Limonov thought that he could use their immense money and influence. What could Limonov offer in exchange? They only resource he had, and the only resource Liberals didn't have: people. There were lots of young patriotic Russians in Limonov's party, and they became the footsoldiers of the unholy alliance of Limonov's NBP and pro-Western Liberals.

The trick is: the Liberals were sneaky, and they were backstabbing Limonov all the way. Limonov's boys were getting jailed and killed to further the tribal financial interests of this CIA-backed cabal, but Liberals didn't show any gratitude. You see, those people have tribalist thinking. If you are an ordinary Russian, you are not of their own, and, therefore, the bad guy, no matter what. At best, you are an useful idiot.

So, even after the alliance was formed, Liberals were still denouncing NBP boys and girls as "Communists" and "Fascists". Not that Liberals were technically wrong or something. You can consider National-Bolsheviks (Nazbols) to be non-racist (they included Africans) non-homophobic (their leader is bisexual) Communist Anarchist Nationalists with Neo-Nazi imagery for shock effect.

Just look at Nazbol style:

Caption reads: "Daughterland calls!"

They had lots of radical slogans.

For example: "Raise the Red Flag! Stalin! Beria! Gulag!"

Or: "Pol Pot lives!"

Or their badass motto: "Yes, Death!"

You can say that they are some sort of monsters, but that would be a mistake. They are just poor oppressed and humiliated teenagers with nowhere else to go. And they were not racist. Nazbols had Africans and Jews among the top of its leadership, which isn't what you expect from an organization with a Nazi-style flag. Pro-Western Liberals, on the other side, consider most poor Russians to be subhuman natural-born slaves. After all, if they were poor, that was their own problem. Liberals are Social-Darwinists. You can reason with a Nazbol, but you can't reason with a Liberal. I know, because I tried really hard and failed.

So, why did Limonov use such Commie Nazi imagery in the first place? The answer is simple: to spite the CIA-backed oligarchs and their servants. It is a defensive mechanism. If the bad guys hate the sickle-and-hammer and the swastika, it is rational and instinctive to use these symbols to troll the bad guys. If you can't overthrow the oligarchs, at least make them unhappy and angry. It's better than nothing.

So, Limonov's Nazbols took all anti-Western, "evil" memes (Communism, Nazism, Anarchism, Jihadism, Christian Fundamentalism, Satanism, Neo-Paganism, etc) and lumped them together into the most aggressively anti-Western memeplex ever.

They were ready to include any imagery and any ideology, just to spite the Liberals.

And now Limonov decided to make an alliance with them.

Oh, fuck.

By betraying its most basic premise, NBP had committed suicide.

I am ashamed of this, but I took part in its destruction. Basque section of NBP even proposed me as a new leader of NBP instead of Limonov. That was sick. NBP without Limonov is like Christianity without Christ, like Brotherhood of Nod without Kane, like The Monolith without me.

Anyway, NBP was doomed, and so was Limonov. Limonov got "dizzy with success" and made a fatal mistake: he tried to befriend pro-Western Liberals. I can't blame him, because I repeated the very same mistake few years later.

Never ever ally with pro-Western forces: you'll lose everything and get nothing.

They are hypocrites, tribalists and backstabbers, never ever trust them. Never ever.

Nietzsche was right on at least one thing: the future belongs to those with the longest memory.

Remember our mistakes and don't repeat them.

Limonov made Liberals strong, he gave them footsoldiers, he basically gave them the street. As a "reward" they dumped him. You see, Limonov was too smart and independent. He fought in Balkan Wars on the Serbian side, he hanged with the guys whom West declared to be war criminals, and he can probably be considered war criminal himself.

He was very radical and honest. For example, in one of his books he described as he sucked off a black guy when he was living in America. Here's a hint: never trust a Nazi who isn't honest enough to admit that he loves sucking cocks, especially black ones. Sucking cocks is awesome. Yummy.

With such an attitude, Limonov was too extreme for the Liberals. He had grown up as a poor kid in crime-ridden provincial city of Kharkov, he wasn't some rich Western pseudo-Leftist elitist. Liberals wanted somebody else to lead the duped Russian Neo-Communist teenagers into fighting for the oligarchs. They wanted a boy from the rich family, stupid and uncreative, but energetic and ambitious.

Enter Sergei Udaltsov. Back in the old days, he headed AKM (Avangard Krasnoi Molodyozhi, Vanguard of Red Youth). That was a copy-paste knock-off of Limonov's NBP: cheap, uncreative and apish. Plagiarism in its worst form. Plagiarists should get a shovel in a throat, like in "The Re-Animator". Well, figuratively speaking, I mean. I told you already that I dislike plagiarists. I will repeat this many times. Because plagiarism and spin-doctoring is what modern "revolutionary" politics is all about.

AKM competed with NBP, even openly conflicting during so-called Anti-Capitalist Marches. They called Nazbols "Nazis", even though they themselves were just a cheap uncreative Nazbol knock-off. And they were very active on English-language forums and media, basically creating this anti-Nazbol narrative together with pro-Western Liberals who controlled the media. Backstabbing plagiaristic copycats.

When you hear somebody denouncing Nazbols as "Nazis", you can spit in his face.

Guys who called Nazbols "Nazis" are the reason why real Nazis are on the rise today.

And speaking of Nazis...

The collapse of NBP in 2005 created a power vacuum. Sure, Limonov remained a prominent street politician, but ordinary poor oppressed powerless Russian teenagers (like me) no longer looked at him as a savior. He was now viewed as a traitor, or worse - as an idiot. And they went full Nazi. Because there was basically nowhere else to go.

To explore this growing Neo-Nazi subculture, I opened my first big blog, and called it "Yarowrath". "Yarovrat" is an obsolete Russian word for swastika. I rendered it "Yarowrath" to make this name bi-lingual. "Yarost" means "fury", so "wrath" isn't far off. Soon it would become the most popular blog in the Russian Internet, and I would become the most prominent Russian Neo-Nazi ever. If only I knew this in advance...

On 4 November 2005 there was the first Russian March (RM-2005). I went there, and wrote a text report (I couldn't afford photo camera yet). It was an instant hit. This report has made me famous. You see, RM-2005 was a very strange thing. In fact, it was a weird glitch in Russian political matrix. Nobody expected it.

RM-2005 was made possible by two guys.

The first one is Aleksandr Dugin, former co-leader of NBP who left Limonov because of cowardice. Dugin is a great thinker, he is a founder of modern Eurasianism (remember Putin's proposal of Eurasian Union?), but he is not a warrior, he is an opportunist, and very prideful and arrogant one. He left Nazbols after the explosion in The Bunker (Nazbol HQ) and started working for the Kremlin. His pro-Kremlin stance has allowed him to gain permission to organize RM-2005. But he didn't have any loyal followers, because warriors don't like opportunists and cowards, especially smug ones. Dugin was the leader of ESM (Evraziyskiy Soyuz Molodyozhi, Eurasian Youth Union), a very stylish, imaginative and well-funded youth group. But the group itself was small and apathetic (they were basically Dugin's pets), and it had more flags than people.

The flags were awesome, though:

Chaos Star. Great.

I was actually proposing to use Orange Chaos Star as universal opposition symbol:

It plays on those "orange revolution will lead to chaos" fears. They say "chaos" like it is a bad thing, and it is a bad thing, but rebellious teenagers just love bad things. This observation is basically a cornerstone of my propaganda style: be as bad and evil and radical as possible, and kids will love you.

The second guy who made RM-2005 possible is Sokol (Falcon). He was an Ultranationalist activist working for DPNI (Dvizheniye Protiv Nelegalnoi Immigratzii, Movement Against Illegal Immigration). His superior management skills have made RM-2005 a spectacular sight, with DPNI banners everywhere, strict disciplined columns, uniformed sexy drummer girls, stuff like that. Sokol will play an important role later in my story, but back in 2005 nobody actually knew about him.

Funny thing: Nazbols skipped Russian March, they weren't present at all (and even old-school Communists were present!), and I rightfully diagnosed it as a mistake they can't recover from.

The real victor of RM-2005 was DPNI. Everybody ignored Dugin, who was rightfully considered to be a pro-Kremlin opportunist. And Nazbols weren't even around. So, everybody paid attention to DPNI and their leader Aleksandr "Belov" Potkin, who stole the show.

Since RM-2005 was the biggest non-Communist Russian patriotic march ever, it was a truly shocking event. Mass media went hysterical: Liberals were hallucinating with pogroms, holocausts and cyclone bees. We felt a great sense victory. Finally we saw those rich smug bastards scream in horror.

Seeing oligachs and their whores scream was a good part. The bad part was that now we were stuck with Neo-Nazi ideology, which was wrong, foolish, sick and self-contradictory. You see, before RM-2005 Russian Neo-Nazis were a laughable joke, nobody took them seriously. But after RM-2005, Russian Neo-Nazis became the only political force on the streets. If you go to Russian politics after RM-2005, the only way for you is being a Nazi. I accepted these rules, and became a Neo-Nazi skinhead activist. And while Neo-Nazism gave me some powerful imagery I could play with to troll the establishment, the sheer wrongness of Nazi ideology harmed any attempts at coherent narrative. Fuck, I missed old Nazbol days, when I could use a swastika without being racist or homophobic.

So, what are the key faults of Neo-Nazism? I can point three most glaring issues.

First problem is racism, obviously. Not just it is morally wrong, but it contradicts evolution. And Nazis were pro-evolution. You see, Nazis believe in both racism and survival of the fittest, and these two don't mix. If the race is really superior, it shouldn't be protected - it can take care of itself. If white race is going extinct, then it is unworthy to exist. As Nietzsche said: if it is falling, then push it. Survival of the fittest, Nazi-style. And if we need to protect the white race for some reason (say, aesthetical significance, or biodiversity, or anything), that means that white race is weak, and certainly not a master race. True master race cannot be racist by definition. That's why there is no racism among animals. They just fuck and breed and strongest offspring claims the future.

Second problem is Nordicism. You see, Nazis don't worship Caucasian DNA, they worship Nordic aesthetic type, which has very little connection to any actual or perceived genetic superiority. Phrenology doesn't work, at least not in a way Nazis believe it works. In fact, it usually works in reverse. The trick is, most Neo-Nazis are non-Nordic. Nordics are very rare, actually, and such people are mostly useless: apathetic, weak-willed and fickle. I've never seen a strong and intellient Nordic Neo-Nazi. But Neo-Nazis have to have Nordic figureheads, otherwise other Neo-Nazis (non-Nordic as well) will accuse them of racial inferiority. What a joke.

In Russia, all Neo-Nazis can be divided in three groups.

First group of Neo-Nazis are Mischlings. These are Jewish-looking people who have some Jewish ancestry, but not enough to be considered actual Jews by other Jews. So, they hate the Jews ("self-hating Jew syndrome"), and they fervently promote Neo-Nazi ideology so that other Neo-Nazis won't call them Jews. That's "armored closet" sort of stuff. Let's take DPNI leader for an example - Aleksandr Belov. Actually, his real name is Potkin, but he changed it to Belov ("beliy" means "white", a fitting fake name for a Nazi) because Potkin is "Jewish-sounding" name, and he was visibly Jewish-looking already. So, people who like him call him Belov, people who don't like him (me included) call him Potkin. But actually, being called "a Jew" is a compliment among Neo-Nazis. We have a saying: "the Nazi who was never called a Jew is a bad Nazi". That's because, like I said before, hatred is a sign of weakness. When you hit fuckers where it hurts, they call you "a Jew". I was called a Jew a lot. That makes me a good Nazi. Go figure.

Second group of Neo-Nazis are Turanids. These are Muslim-looking people who have some Middle Eastern, Central Asian, Turkic and/or North Caucasian ancestry. Turanids are testosterone-overloaded ultra-masculine people who are very energetic and paranoid. They aren't much different from Mischlings in behavior, the only difference is that Turanids don't have Jewish background and are usually more rough and more ugly (at least according to Nordicist aesthetics). Compared to Mischlings, Turanids don't have a "self-hating Jew syndrome", so they are more flexible in terms of ideology, which makes them creative. Turanids are the most brutal and resourceful group, they account for 90% of Neo-Nazi activity. The rest 10% are Mischling activity, and mostly due Mischlings being very rich. Both Limonov and Udaltsov are Turanids, and so am I.

Third group of Neo-Nazis are Nordics. They don't have "self-hating Jew syndrome" that drives Mischlings or testosterone ugliness that drives Turanids, so they have very low motivation. They usually sit around and do nothing, content with everything. But Neo-Nazis need Nordics as figureheads, otherwise they could be accused of racial inferiority. Stupid, isn't it? So you see Nordics everywhere, but they decide nothing and do nothing. So, the structure of every Russian Neo-Nazi organization is simple: official figurehead is Nordic, real leader is either Mischling or Turanid. Mischlings and Turanids hate each other, just like Jews and Muslims in Middle East. Both groups accuse each other of being closeted Jews.

So, two of three main problems with Neo-Nazism are racism (which contradicts evolution) and Nordicism (which contradicts the fact that actual Neo-Nazis are anything but Nordic).

Now, the third problem - "self-hating gay syndrome". You see, most Nazis are closeted gays. They worship Nordic male body. Yes, Nordic bodies are feminine, but they are still male. Left-wing propaganda is all about half-naked women. Right-wing propaganda is all about half-naked men. Naturally, it attracts gay men. But they also are virulent homophobes. This is an effective tool of producing induced neurosis. Repressed homosexuality is sublimated into aggression and hate. That keeps Neo-Nazis motivated. Such trick never actually worked for me, though. I am bi-curious, but I still prefer masculine women to feminine men. And when I am into gay stuff, I prefer masculine Turanids (Turks, Arabs, etc), and not feminine Nordics. My affinity to butch women makes me a bit more left-wing than most Nazis. That makes me more of a Nazbol: unlike Nazis, Nazbols had lots of girls among them (read: they were left-wing), and while most of them were feminine, some of them were quite butch. Of course, the collapse of NBP means that many butch-loving guys like me are now in Neo-Nazi camp, since they don't have any other place to go.

Here's the photo from so-called "March of Millions" on 12 July 2012:

That's not two Nazi guys kissing. The Nazi guy on the left is actually a butch Nazi girl.

So, here's three unsolvable problems of Neo-Nazism: racism, Nordicism and self-hating gay syndrome.

But I didn't know all that back in 2005, and I started experimenting with Neo-Nazi ideology.

I created the most virulent strain of Russian Neo-Nazi thought ever imaginable.

You see, the problem with Neo-Nazis is that with all their extremism, they are still patriots of Russia. On one hand, they want to make a revolution and estabilish Fourth Reich (or some other totally new political entity). On the other hand, they can't do that with legal means, and violent revolution will harm Russia and Russians a lot. Great October Revolution of 1917 was a catastrophic event that, while created a brave new society, had killed tens of millions of Russians and put lots of scum on the top, which had to be killed off during The Purges, leading to even more bloodshed and suffering.

You can't be a radical Russian Ultranationalist and a patriot of Russia at the same time. The solution? Anti-Russia Russian Ultranationalism. Ultra-radical ideology that seeks to abolish Russia as a state and as a concept, to destroy Russia and replace it with something entirely different.

The main slogan of old Russian Ultranationalism was: "Glory to Russia!"

The main slogan of new Russian Ultranationalism was: "Death to Russia!"

I took inspiration from many sources.

First and foremost is the book "Vremya Byt Russkim" ("Time To Be Russian") by Aleksandr Sevastyanov. Just like Dugin, Sevastyanov is Nordic, and like Dugin, he is weak-willed, but very knowledgeable. Sevastyanov is the only smart Nationalist I know. Unlike others, who use emotions, Sevastyanov used reason, and he has shown me how you can be ethnic Nationalist without being racist.

Second is Michael A. de Budyon, a genius-level engineer with lots of amazing ideas about Chaos Theory and enthropy and immense knowledge of ancient history. He never was an actual Nationalist (the concept of nations is a stupid and irrational idea), but he was one of the most radical National-Socialists I've ever saw. He was also a typical Nordic Neo-Nazi: not much into activism, but lots of knowledge.

Third is ARI.RU resource. They were very cool and radical for 2005. I made them famous in LiveJournal (Russia uses LiveJournal in the same way the rest of the world uses Facebook), and I even sent them money to fund their project. Unfortunately, they turned out to be plagiarists, they stole lots of my coolest ideas and warped them for monetary gain. They are greedy and spoiled and arrogant, but their ideas were awesome, and their style of writing was superb, I learned much from them.

Fourth is now-defunct Svobodnaya.Ru project and its best blogger ssMIRNOff. He is the only person who advocated ideas like mine before me in LiveJournal. Racially, he's somewhere between Nordic and Turanid, and that reflects his character: not very active politically, but very vitriolic and sharp-fanged online. Awesome guy.

Last but not least, is a great Russian poet Aleksei Shiropayev. He is a typical Nordic Neo-Nazi: lazy, vodka-loving and slow, but also an amazing writer and poet. He wrote a great book called "Tyurma Naroda" ("The Prison Of The Nation"). You see, for centuries pro-Western Liberals were blaming Russia, calling it "the prison of the nations", meaning that Russians are evil oppressive barbarians who subjugate other nations. Shiropayev has presented a different view: yes, Russia is a brutal and oppressive empire, but of all conquered nations, Russians had it worst. Ethnic Russians were used as cannon fodder in imperial conquests, while actually having less rights than non-Russian peoples that were conquered by Russia. So, the greatest crimes Russia has ever committed are crimes against Russians. So, Russians should be more interested in destroying Russia than any other nation. Future nation-state (or even nation-states) of Russians should abolish Soviet, Imperial, Byzantine and even Muscovite tradition entirely and go back to the Viking roots of Novgorod Republic. Novgorod (Holmgard) was never conquered by Mongol-Tartar Horde and was ruled by elected warrior-princes and democratic council (The Novgorod Veche). But Moscow was conquered by The Horde, and eventually it became The Horde, and eventually it conquered Novgorod. Shiropayev stated that Moscow Tzardom (and, therefore, Imperial Russia, and Soviet Union, and modern Russian Federation) is not a continuation of ancient Viking Rus (Varangian Gardarika), but rather a continuation of Genghis Khan's Mongol Horde. Russia, being the mix of Vikings (broadly, white Europeans) and Mongols (broadly, steppe nomads of Eurasia), should abolish the Mongoldom and embrace the Vikingdom, so to speak. And while originately being Russian Orthodox Christian Fundamentalist and Imperial Monarchist, and then even Stalinist, he eventually persuaded himself that Orthodox Christianity is evil and Asiatic, and Catholicism is better, and Protestantism is even better, but Neo-Paganism is best of all. So, he dreamed of Neo-Pagan Viking Democracy which would destroy Asiatic Abrahamist Imperial Tartaro-Bolshevist Neo-Soviet Russian Horde. And he wrote some truly beautiful poetry, glorifying this image. In fact, radical views aside, he is probably the best contemporary Russian poet.

Using these inspirations, I created virulent anti-Russia Russian Nationalism and turned my blog into propaganda machine. I instantly became famous. My popularity skyrocketed. The message was simple, but powerful: modern Russia is an anti-Russian empire, and for Russian ethnic nation-state to emerge, empire must be destroyed. I wrote some truly outrageous things, like Soviet victory in WW2 being actually a very bad thing, and that Germans should had destroyed Russia and re-colonized it with German master race.

Lots of people cheered and welcomed such radical ideas. Even more people hated me, but their hate only boosted my popularity, because when they tried to disprove me, they gave links to my blog, and they've never been able to beat me in open discussion. I was too creative and knowledgeable and radical and unpredictable with my arguments, even though the arguments themselves were outright insane. You see, it's not hard to persuade anyone to believe anything, especially if this anyone is a total moron. You can win the war not just by being smart, but by your enemy being stupid. My enemies were my best friends, because their sloppy work at criticising me made me look so fucking smart.

I became famous both in Russia and among Western Neo-Nazis. I tried to ally myself with Western Neo-Nazis, because in my new narrative Russian Neo-Nazis were subhuman, and Western Neo-Nazis were master race, and therefore my alliance with Western Neo-Nazis would be like an alliance with gods or something.

I never considered trying Stormfront forum. Technically, I was registered there even before I became a Neo-Nazi, but I've never used their forum for actual large-scale propaganda. Stormfront is softcore, I considered them to be just a bunch of sissies. Not that I have anything against sissies, crossdressing is fun and awesome, everybody should try it at least once.

Same with Skadi forum - it was too softcore and childish for me.

So, I ignored Stormfront and Skadi and decided to ally with really extreme German Neo-Nazis, joining secretive Grossdeutsches Vaterland forum. Actually, the forum was closed, but I got a personal invitation, which isn't surprising, since back then I was Russian number one Neo-Nazi. It was a good place to practice my German, but the fun thing, there eventually was a Russian section, and they appointed me to moderate it.

Fuck, I am the only person on the planet who was moderator on both Soviet Empire, Technocracy and Grossdeutsches Vaterland forums. That's fucking insane. But also strangely logical.

My activities attracted a lot of attention. By the end of 2006, everybody wanted a piece of me. Russian State Duma Deputy Konstantin Rykov even awarded me with a prize "Provocateur Of The Year". I took the prize and thrown it into the Moscow River, because it meant nothing to me.

By the way, my new breed of extreme Neo-Nazism was called "National-Orangeism", promoting making Orange Revolution in Russia, j

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2016-03-19 20:47 (ссылка)
Уберите под кат простынь, вы здесь не одни в фифе -


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2016-03-19 22:30 (ссылка)

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2016-03-20 10:29 (ссылка)
Картинки похерились..

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2016-03-20 14:34 (ссылка)
Как-нибудь на досуге отредактирую, чтобы картинки разместить их нужно по одной вручную вставлять.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2016-11-13 14:02 (ссылка)
Не были бы так добры сбросить это письмо в полном виде с картинками в файле doc или т.п. на мой емейл? Буду очень благодарен. Интересно дочитать :3

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2020-08-18 14:38 (ссылка)
Полный снэпшот письма с картинками. http://archive.li/fSohA
