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Пишет amalgamizer ([info]amalgamizer) в [info]hateclub_yarika
@ 2016-05-29 17:49:00

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Entry tags:282, emercoin

Эмеркойн и Эмергенция (Emercoin and Emergence: not so deep roots)
Хорошо Ярка подсобил ховайке с мемокомплексом:

Yarowrath helped a lot Maxihatop (literally means - "skilled swindler") with the memecomplex:

"The whole world will be in hands of Mighty Emergence!"

"Emergent! Claim from everybody everything!"

Это что же получается? Ярка, значит, держится за яйца ховайки руной, а мы держим Ярку за яйца компроматом в Следственный комитет?

What did this bring to us? Yarowrath can stir Maxihatop, and we can run Yarowrath's arse through cooperation with Investigative committee?

Mother Russia's full of crap, place on it this Emer-flag!
Down with Putin!

Die, ill Russia,
The Third Reich's our
Friend and peer!

Hail Behemoth! Die, filthy Russia!

Здорово! Значит, через Ярку мы управляем ховайкой. Осталось откалибровать этот капризный инструмент - Ярку.

Excellent! Thus, we can use Yarowrath as a tool to drive Maxihatop! Calibration is only needed.

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Re: As expected))
2016-05-30 22:34 (ссылка)

1. To go out of or away from: not allowed to leave the room.
a. To go without taking or removing: left my book on the bus.
b. To omit or exclude: left out the funniest part of the story.

3. To have as a result, consequence, or remainder: The car left a trail of exhaust fumes. Two from eight leaves six.
4. To cause or allow to be or remain in a specified state: left the lights on.
a. To have remaining after death: left a young son.
b. To bequeath: left her money to charity.

6. To give over to another to control or act on: Leave all the details to us.
a. To abandon or forsake: leave home; left her husband.
b. To remove oneself from association with or participation in: left the navy for civilian life.

a. To give or deposit, as for use or information, upon one's departure or in one's absence: He left a note for you. Leave your name and address.
b. To cause or permit to be or remain: left myself plenty of time.

9. Nonstandard To allow or permit; let.

leave/let alone
To refrain from disturbing or interfering.

leave no stone unturned
To make every possible effort.

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