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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth) в [info]kultur_multur

PT: And it was while you were with them that you started writing your own material?

GH: That's right, I suddenly had a few songs so I did the 'Sail In My Boat' [first Gordon Haskell solo LP on CBS] album with their producer and manager. Just as I finished it King Crimson happened with their first album, and Fripp called me to ask if I wanted to join them.

PT: Quite a nice opportunity!

GH: I straight away, without any hesitation, said 'absolutely not'. I was totally r&b oriented and it wasn't my sort of music. I didn't like King Crimson. Anyway, after a while I said I'd think about it, and my wife got to work on me because she wanted a regular income so in the end I joined. I did some vocals on 'In The Wake of Poseidon', and then we got down to rehearsing 'Lizards' and.... the drummer, Andy McCulloch, was in tears - Fripp used to bully him unmercifully. He bullied us all. I don't go for that though, so where Andy would cry I would just laugh. At the end of one song, 'Indoor Games', I just burst out laughing. You can hear it on the album. They thought it was really freaky, that I'd understood the lyrics and my part - but the truth of the matter is, it was a lousy song, the lyrics were ludicrous and my singing was atrocious so I just burst out laughing. And they thought it was wonderful!

PT: It was an enormously successful album though...

GH: Enormous. Richard Williams wrote that 'if Wagner was alive today, he'd be sounding like King Crimson'. You can either swallow that kind of bullshit or.... when I was younger, I always followed my heart - and I still do. People might say that the biggest mistake I made was leaving King Crimson, that I could have gone on like John Wetton did and made a career out of band hopping, got my pile together and only then done my own thing. Some people might say I'm stupid because I'm still poor, but I'm not. I'm very rich inside. I've done my own thing since Day One, and I still feel as rebellious now as I did then. So bollocks to all that.

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