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06:03 pm
tiphareth[Link] | Жалоба: http://lj.rossia.org/users/novoross_73/ Username of offender: novoross_73 Links to violating material: http://lj.rossia.org/users/novoross_73/ Additional Comments: Last two day the mailbox and the LJ.ROSSIYA.org and LJ journal of novoross_73 has been hacked with unknown to me person. That person started to publish very private data from original correspondence between the Novoross_73 (Oleg Rosov) and other correspondence over the world. Being the one of the mail and LJ correspondent of the Oleg Rosov, I ask you please immediately block and suspend the LJR of novoross_73 as it seriously broken the privacy of any Novoross correspondents.
From LJ user kurung
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