Сюда стучат - animal crush films- фильмы животного сокрушить
October 10th, 2011
12:48 pm


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animal crush films- фильмы животного сокрушить

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Date:October 14th, 2011 - 11:19 pm

Re: crush

> The influence of mass media, politicians, and religion should not stop us from
> having our own sense of morality.

So-called "moral standards" that you care so much about ARE the product
of mass media and politicians (that's what both of these things are designed
for). Specifically, "animal rights", "religious awareness", etc., are the
product of constant yammering in media about, respectively, "animal right",
"religious awareness", etc. As far as 50 years ago nobody gave a damn about
animal rights, and people hunted and killed animals for food and entertainment
for centuries; but it's the last 50 years that seemed to have pulled
certain things inside out, precisely as mass media and technical means of
manipulating of people's minds rapidly progressed.

> We can talk openly here about,say, terrorism.

In fact, we cannot anymore. Tell a cute bomb anecdote to TSA in the airport.
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