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Пишет chernysh ([info]chernysh) в [info]tyumen_arrest
@ 2009-01-31 22:27:00

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Пресс-релиз для иностранных СМИ (исправлено)
Anarchists arrested in Tyumen released

They were released on 2:45 PM local time (Ural, GMT+5), Police announced that they will be charged for "vandalism done by a group of people" (RF Criminal Code section 214.2), the cause being anarchy slogans written on region military enlistment office building. They will be free till the trial, but they are under recognizance not to leave Tyumen. Official charges have not been issued yet. Apparently this was just one in a series of arrests and other measures taken to suppress the opposition activists from participating in protest actions planned in many cities of Russia for this weekend. “Echo Moskvy” radio station announced that about 23 000 policemen and 4 000 military men were mobilized around Russia to "maintain order" during the weekend.

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2009-02-01 08:57 (ссылка)
Так это звучит по-английски.

They were released on 2:45 PM local time (Ural, GMT+5), Police announced that they will be charged for "vandalism done by a group of people" (RF Criminal Code section 214.2), the cause being anarchy slogans written on region military enlistment office building. They will be free till the trial, but they are under recognizance not to leave Tyumen. Official charges have not been issued yet. Apparently this was just one in a series of arrests and other measures taken to suppress the opposition activists from participating in protest actions planned in many cities of Russia for this weekend. “Echo Moskvy” radio station announced that about 23 000 policemen and 4 000 military men were mobilized around Russia to "maintain order" during the weekend.


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2009-02-01 10:13 (ссылка)
Спасибо. У нас так мало переводчиков...

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2009-02-01 10:16 (ссылка)
Исправил текст.

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