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@ 2011-03-16 14:03:00

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"Бог всенародные пороки уцеломудривает всенародными казнями"
Пепел Габриеля Малагрида стучит им в сердце

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2011-03-16 18:03 (ссылка)

Gabriel Malagrida was declared guilty of high treason, but could not be executed on account of the Papacy's opposition to the execution of a Jesuit by secular authorities. He was imprisoned in the dungeon beneath the Tower of Belém with other Jesuits who were also Implicated. Carvalho could not have him executed through civil court so left him to either die or go mad in the dungeons.

When Malagrida was not lying in his cell, he was allegedly transcribing the 'angelic voices from inside his head'. From these heavenly transcriptions, Malagrida was said to have published two transcripts — the first of which was on the Anti-Christ, the second was entitled The Heroic And Wonderful Life Of The Glorious Saint Anne, Mother Of The Virgin Mary, Dictated By This Saint, Assisted By And With The Approbation And Help Of This Most August Sovereign, And Her Most Holy Son. The book contained the uttering of a mad man, in which the author had a delirious and unhealthy fixation with Saint Anne's uterus.

Carvalho had the then-seventy-two-year-old Malagrida brought in front of the Inquisition (to which Carvalho had appointed his brother, Paulo de Carvalho e Mendonça, as the Inquisitor General). Finding the works Malagrida had written blasphemous and disgusting, they boiled down Malagrida's activities to heresy, and sentenced him to death. On 21 September 1761, Malagrida was strangled at the garrotte in Rossio square. His corpse was then burned on a bonfire and the ashes were thrown into the Tagus river.

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2011-03-16 23:04 (ссылка)
казнен милостиво, без пролития крови

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