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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-07-04 23:45:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:deutschland, gesellschaft, interview, japan, kunst, usa

Werner Herzog on 'Family Romance, LLC' and the "Phenomenal Achievement" of Baby Yoda
And rental family services like Family Romance are part of a booming industry in Japan, right?

It is, and it’s growing massively. When I did the film, Family Romance had 1,400 employees who would be sent out to play roles such as joining you as a friend in your solitude, or going out and hitting the bars, having a great time and taking selfies, which would then show up on your Facebook account to show the world that you have a great life. So, yeah.

Have they dealt with a lot of scrutiny over the ethics and morality of their work?

I think they are questioning themselves, and they have clear answers. For example, a clear answer is you must not fall in love when you are rented out, let’s say, in a wedding. And I know from Yuichi Ishii that at 60 weddings where he participated as a missing family member — 30 times, half the time, somebody would have loved to marry him. You see, there is a strict code of behavior. You are not getting involved emotionally, and if emotions take over, you must step out of the job.