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Пишет apkallatu ([info]apkallatu)
@ 2018-01-15 09:44:00

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"быть красивой в момент ядерного взрыва"
треды на реддите про реакции людей на ложную тревогу насчёт ракеты из Северной Кореи

I live in Hawaii. My friend popped open that rare bottle of wine
she'd been saving. — How was it? — Terrible.

I slept through the alarm because of how hungover I was while my
roommate started slamming a handle of Jack and texted his boss "Go
fuck yourself, see you in Hell"

I ate all the leftover lasagna in my fridge. I figured that if shits
about to hit the fan, I better carb tf up.

Around the time of the warning I was playing Call of Duty Zombies. I
got the text and immediately texted my off island family. I then
texted our on island family to let them know I had the 95 year old
family matriarch sleeping happily on my couch. Once I notified
everyone as to our whereabouts then I gently woke her up and apprised
her of the situation. She asked a few questions and then sat back and
thought a bit. After a short while she said “we should make coffee
because the power will be out soon”.

I made an impulse decision to stay in bed with my wife.

Went to honokohau to dive. Figured 100 ft underwater was as good a
place as any. No boom.

как-то ожидаешь больше драмы.

(Добавить комментарий)

2018-01-15 13:40 (ссылка)
> I ate all the leftover lasagna in my fridge. I figured that if shits about to hit the fan, I better carb tf up.

Люблю такое.

Помню какое-то видео, где парень принимает большую дозу ЛСД и среди
прочего начинает через раз употреблять слово "нигер", попутно
объясняя, что это не расизм. Типа, из глубин сознания всплыло самое
страшное и запретное.

А тут вот углеводы в лазанье перед ядерным апокалипсисом.
