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Пишет crivelli ([info]crivelli)
@ 2004-10-02 01:34:00

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Po Chü-i (A.D. 772-846) tr. Christopher Mulrooney after Waley
singing in the mountains

all men have their failings
mine is I'm a poet
I'm free of many bonds
but this one lingers still
when I see a landscape
when I meet a friend
I begin to sing verses
like one encountering a god
since being exiled to Hsün-yang
I go to the hills
when I've finished a poem
and climb to a peak
I lean on blanched stone
pull down a green branch
my singing startles the view
monkeys and birds watch me
I'm afraid I'm a laughingstock
elsewhere than away from people

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2004-10-01 18:20 (ссылка)
Here comes a good one!
Especially about God
Without a capital letter
Emily would jump
Up to the ceiling


2004-10-02 03:57 (ссылка)
Poor Emily
Why should she hop
Just because of Po-Chui?
I hope for her sake
That now it's all the same
One or many
All is По-Хуи
