Настроение: | sick |
Музыка: | Aluk Todolo - ORDRE |
Entry tags: | .il, sjw |
core part of a suite of views held by the progressives
Отличная статья
о том, каким образом арафатка
стала моднейшим аксессуаром, а плакат
с палестинским флагом и "from the river
to the sea" занял ту же нишу, которую за 20
лет до него занимали портреты
Че Гевары.
Keffiyeh chic is all the rage. You're no one unless you
have one of these black-and-white scarves that are widely
worn in the Palestinian territories. Student radicals,
celebrities, Guardian-reading dads on their way for a
macchiato - everyone has a keffiyeh draped over their
shoulders. It has become the uniform of the politically
enlightened, the must-have of the socially aware. They're
'all over Europe', as one writer says; every time there's
a 'pro-Palestine' demo you'll be confronted by 'a sea of
these garments'. Even the mega-rich are getting in on the
act - Balenciaga once made a high-end keffiyeh that will
set you back 3,000 pounds. But then, you can't put a price on
The cult of the keffiyeh is proof that Palestine has
become, in the words of Jake Wallis Simons, the great
'social signifier' of the radically chic of the Western
world. Pitying Palestine, and by extension hating Israel,
has become a 'core part of a suite of views held by the
progressives who set the tenor of much of our culture', he
writes. It has become the 'luxury belief ' du jour, the
means by which one's social worth is measured. This goes
way beyond 'cultural appropriation' - it is the wholesale
moral appropriation of an entire people and their plight
by the political intimates of high society with virtue to
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