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Пишет cyberloh01 ([info]cyberloh01)
@ 2018-07-31 09:05:00

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слава путину!
MOSCOW — A car ran down a group of touring cyclists in the Central Asian state of Tajikistan over the weekend, killing four people from the United States, the Netherlands and Switzerland. On Monday, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

In a video obtained by Radio Free Europe on Monday that purports to show the attack, a car can be seen making a U-turn on a rural road and then speeding back through a group of fallen and injured cyclists. Tajik authorities said the occupants of the car then got out and stabbed and shot some of the survivors, leaving little doubt that the assault was intentional.


ну и как оЖЫДалось во всём виноват запрещённый "на территории российской федерации" игил. именно "на территории".