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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2020-10-19 19:31:00

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Родольф Сали, основатель кабаре "Черная Кошка", начинал свое богемное житье в Париже, изготовляя предметы религиозной атрибутики
He founded "L'école vibrante" (The Vibrant School), soon renamed the "L'école iriso-subversive de Chicago" (The Chicago Iriso-Subversive School) in order to draw attention to his artistic group. In fact he was earning a living by making stations of the cross and other religious objects, that he and his friends painted.
"In fact, it [The School] had the overall intended, but not admitted, immediate aim of making a series of Stations of the Cross to sell at eight and fourteen francs each, in a shop selling religious articles in the Saint Sulpice. The very tedious work was divided between the four "students" according to their different natures. Rene Gilbert painted heads; Wagner hands; Antonio de La Gandara draperies; Salis, finally, backgrounds and landscapes..."
In order to combine art and alcoholic beverage, Salis had the idea of creating a café in "the purest style of Louis XII... with a chandelier of wrought iron from the Byzantine period, and where the gentry, the burghers and peasants are now invited to drink absinthe after the usual manner of Victor Hugo and Garibaldi, and hypocras in golden bowls."

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2020-12-07 23:05 (ссылка)
Гипокра́с (др.-греч. hypokras) — алкогольный напиток из вина, сильно подслащённого мёдом или сахаром и приправленного «королевскими», то есть благородными, пряностями (корицей, имбирём, гвоздикой); имеет древнее происхождение и в Средневековье был распространён по всей Европе. Согласно легенде, название образовано от имени древнегреческого медика Гиппократа (Hippokrates, V век до н. э.). Сегодня гипокрас производится во Франции из красного вина и предлагается как «аперитив из раннего средневековья».
