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Пишет eliyahu ([info]eliyahu)
@ 2023-11-05 12:59:00

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Во имя аллаха?
Вот некая организация анализирует учебнички на склонность на толерантности и миру. Увидел где-то в обсуждении на ФБ. Не знаю уж насколько достоверно. Там выкладки из учебников, одобренных Palestinian Authority, типа:

"The Status of Martyrs for Allah:
And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah: ‘They are dead.’ Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not,
(Al-Baqara: 154).
For Allah, martyrdom is a great status, a high point, so the magnitude of the effort and the sacrifice [should emanate] from
the loSiness of the goal and purpose.
And the Martyr: he who sacrifices himself in the cause of Allah in defense of his religion and homeland; so Allah’s word is
The verse prohibits describing martyrs as dead; because they live with their Lord in delight, they have moved from the life we
know to another life we do not sense. ‘And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather,
they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.’ (Al-Imran: 169)"

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2023-11-05 14:47 (ссылка)
Вика Цыганова: Алина Витухновская как суть ненюханой пизды
